Your Full Potential is Untapped

Inspire positive change…
“Your full potential is untapped,” is an indisputable fact that you should know.  It does not matter where you came from; it does not matter where you are at. What really matters is the value you place on your life, and your ability to inspire new beginnings in your life, and in this world.

In the 21st Century, with all of the development and scientific breakthroughs that Man has made, it is quite astonishing to know that YOU ARE unique:  Regardless of your social class, ethnic group or religious belief.  You are born with untapped potential, and the moment you start to realise the substance within, a window of new beginnings will unfold in your life.
For these great things to first manifest in your life, you must understand the substance of ‘REAL SELF’; you must develop an appreciation of the power of ‘THOUGHT’; you must know that nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, happens in the absence of ‘THOUGHT’, the tool that all dreams are made of.  You can exceed greatness! discover how much, or little for that matter, humanity has learnt about itself in terms of people’s potential to affect positive change in their lives, and in this world.
Research conducted by Corporate Advocates Inc. and The Business Campus show that the majority of persons living in the world to date do not understand the substance of ‘THE REAL SELF’.  This is primarily why only 1% of the world’s population of approximately 6.76 billion enjoys 90% of all the money earned in this world.
In the simplest of terms, what this means is that 99% of the people in the world, however attractive their lifestyles may appear, are living a life of limitation.  The 1 % that enjoys the bulk of the wealth of the earth is said to understand something that the majority of people do not quite understand.
Human beings constituting this elite group of 1% understand the untapped potential of ‘THE REAL SELF’.   This new awareness has allowed them to create alignment to critical resources, affording them the privileges of bearing witness to the greatest positive manifestation in their lives.  The 1% has grown to understand that in living, it is important to have something to die for.  This created a window of opportunity that allowed its purpose in life to be clearly defined. These people have bonded with their passion; they are full of confidence in alignment with objective communication, and are able to build and sustain quality relationships with people, the greatest asset the world has ever known.
In order to tap into one’s untapped potential, one needs to understand more about ‘THE REAL SELF’.  You should become acquainted with objective and results-oriented communication and effective leadership styles.  These tools will empower you with the knowledge of how to utilise your potential to effect positive change in your life, and this world.
It is important for you to know that you are a first-class citizen, and to know also that when you were born, you were given a gift that no one can ever put a price tag on.  That gift is the untapped potential that you have.  You have the power of ‘THOUGHT’. Once you are able to tap into that potential, which is your birthright, you will see the luxuries of this life that are way beyond what any Man has understood or achieved.  You are blessed with the wisdom of thought, and your ability to act in the affirmative on positive thoughts will determine how far you go in life.  ‘THOUGHT’ is the source of everything; it is responsible for your actions and inactions; it is responsible for your health and your wealth, and it is responsible for the quality of life you lead.
There is no better time than now to become the captain of your ship; the author of your destiny, and the greatest ‘you’, that you have ever known.  It is time that you tap into your untapped potential; it is time that you break through in this world, like no Man has ever known; it is time you live with passion, and have something to die for; it is time that you know that your success or failure in this world is not based on your academic accomplishment — though this is necessary, important, and may prove vital to your professional aspirations — but your drive and commitment to triumph above life’s challenges. Your drive and undying commitment to succeed, in alignment with your passion, drive and commitment to build quality relationships with people will allow you to bear witness to a legacy that the world will admire.
Why do you allow people’s negative perception of you to matter so much? Why do you allow yourself to become overwhelmed by everything but the solutions to life’s challenges? Why do you doubt yourself and your untapped potentials? In spite of your level of success, the fact does not change that your full potential is untapped.     (To be continued)


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