BURGLARY defendants Uplin Benjamin, 26, of Lot 24 Norton Street and Delvon John, 23, of Lot 31 Victor Street, both in Lodge, Georgetown, were each granted bail, but with different sureties, by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson yesterday. After they pleaded not guilty to the joint break and enter and larceny charge,
Benjamin was ordered to post $65,000 and John $50,000, before the case was transferred to another Court for March 23.
It is alleged that, between March 4 and 5, they broke a storeroom and stole 41 zinc sheets, valued $80,000, property of Neville James.
Another allegation against Benjamin, which he also denied, said he used threatening language to Lynette Pompey, causing a breach of the peace.
James told the Court he had secured his premises and gone out but, upon his return, he observed that the place was broken into and neighbours informed him that it was the two defendants who committed the crime and some of the booty was recovered at the home of Benjamin.
Police Inspector Stephen Telford, prosecuting, said, when arrested, the duo admitted committing the offence.