The implementation of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) standard by companies and organisations can improve the performance of their operations, reduce risk and liabilities, increase eligibility for a variety of environmental agency incentive programmes, improve public image, and improved operational efficiencies/cost reduction opportunities. The benefits of sustainable environmental management are clear.

EMS can facilitate economic development. Most organisations recognise that implementing an environment management system (EMS) is the best means of ensuring proper and effective management of environmental issues. However, to many, an EMS appears to be an intangible goal and the actions required for system development and implementation seems ill defined or out of reach.

The overall prospect of EMS implementation can be overwhelming, and for many it is difficult to sustain the enthusiasm and discipline required to accomplish their EMS objectives.

What are the Benefits of implementing an EMS?
Potential benefits of implementing an EMS include: customer assurance of the companyxs commitment to demonstrate sustainability management, improving cost control, reducing incidents that result in liability, conserving input materials and energy, creating a safe working environment, legal compliance, reducing waste, pollution prevention and enhanced internal management efficiency. Certain EMS benefits cannot be measured concretely and so it is difficult for top management and the public to perceive them.

An effectively implemented EMS can facilitate economic development by opening access to new markets, attracting investment, and promoting economic efficiency. For example, many enterprises which introduce elements of an EMS quickly realise economic benefits through better utilisation of raw materials and reduced waste.

Measures to prevent environmental damage in the first place often cost much less than those of clean-up; waste disposal, site remediation, and possible litigation. By reducing the materials and energy needed to produce goods and services, businesses are achieving additional cost reductions. Companies are realizing the true economic benefit of xgreeningx themselves, beyond the social and ecological reasons for conducting business in an environmentally sound way.

It is important to note that the main driver of the EMS implementation process is technology. Although possibly daunting at first, the expenditures are often a small price to pay for increased productivity and decreased pollution. Technology often proves to be the catalyst for change in this area and can greatly benefit a business willing to place long-term survival over short term gain. Used properly, it can produce real financial gains benefit the environment and save the planet.

As more companies adopt ISO 14001 and demand that their suppliers do the same, organisations large and small will become aware of the environmental benefits they are reaping.

Finally, sustainable development requires a balance between protecting the environment and meeting social needs, while enhancing the bottom line. If implemented correctly, ISO 14001 will help organisations enhance their environmental image, increase competitiveness, and contribute to earnings.

For further information please contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0065, 219-0066, 2190062.


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