Magistrate orders…Schoolboys must undergo counselling before wounding case discharge

A FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD schoolboy, who is charged with wounding a fellow student with a cutlass, was, yesterday, put on $10,000 bail by Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the New Amsterdam Court in Berbice.The virtual complainant, Simeon Sandiford, a Fifth Form student of Vryman’s Erven Secondary School, was accompanied by his mother when he informed the Court that he did not wish to proceed with the matter.
But the magistrate told the wounded teen that he and his alleged attacker will have to undergo counselling at the Probation and Welfare Department in New Amsterdam before the case can be discharged.
It is reported that, on April 2, the two students had a misunderstanding at their school institution when the fourth former became annoyed, left the compound but returned shortly after with a bag from which he took out a cutlass and inflicted the injury to Sandiford’s shoulder.


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