President David Granger has been vindicated-GYSM
President David Granger
President David Granger

President David Granger continues to be vindicated by the courts and his application of the Laws of Guyana in the exercise of his function as Head of State, cannot be questioned.

This is according to the Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM), the youth arm of the Peoples National Congress/Reform (PNC/R).

According to the body, the President has at all times said that he respects the Constitution of Guyana, that he will abide by the rulings of the Court and adhere to the decisions of the Guyana Elections Commission(GECOM).

It noted that adherence to the rule of law, a concept that may be foreign in some quarters of the opposition, has been at the forefront of President Granger’s leadership. The body said that the Constitution of Guyana remains sacrosanct and has been instructive during this difficult period.

“It is important to extract that since the passage of the No-Confidence Motion of December 21, 2018 there has been a flurry of legal action and legitimate challenges, but the President continues to be guided by the Constitution. He complies fully with the rulings of the Courts,” the GYSM noted.

According to the youth movement, the Opposition in its heyday attempted to corrupt the court system by interfering in its jurisdiction to suit its purpose, these distant memories are eclipsed by the oath taken by the APNU+AFC Coalition Government and its adherence to the rule of law.

“It is President Granger who expressed the position that the Government as any other entity, and more so representing the interests of the citizens who voted the coalition into office, has a right to inquire about the legitimacy of the vote carried by Mr Charandass Persaud. The Government exercised its legitimate inquiry all the way to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and abided by the decision of the Regional Court which said the vote was validly cast,” the body said.

It was noted too that the President made the move to consult with the Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo in his constitutional capacity to appoint a Chairman of GECOM in fulfilment of the ruling of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) to ensure the delivery of credible regional and general elections.

“It is President David Granger who gave his unreserved commitment to ensure that the GECOM was given all necessary financial allocations to conduct its work to ensure it can deliver credible elections. The President ensured that at all material times the Commission was supported,” the body noted.

Notably,  the GYSM said that the Opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) systematically stymied the work of the commission by frustrating its efforts to sanitise the Official List of Electors (OLE) through House-to-House registration process. It was because of the tantrums thrown by the Opposition that that process was abruptly ended, the GYSM said.

It said too that it was President Granger, who being advised by the Chairman GECOM Justice Claudette Singh, dissolved Parliament and declared March 2, 2020 as the date for the General and Regional Elections.”The PPP in its familiar fashion attempted to hijack our democracy by facilitating a bloated list and making wild accusations through-out the tabulation process,” the body noted.

The body pointed out that it was President Granger who invited the CARICOM delegation, to observe under the consideration of the constitutional agency GECOM, the recount of the ballots of the March, 2 General and Regional Elections. “The President sought calm while the hooligans of the PPP threatened to destabilise our nation, sowing seeds of discord and damaging the property of the state which benefits all Guyanese,” the body said.

It noted that the President displayed respect for the legal challenge to the constitutionality of the CARICOM Initiative and awaited the determination of the courts.

The Court has ruled and like the rest of the country, President Granger joins all Guyanese in awaiting GECOM to charter the course forward, the GYSM said. “Guyanese must continue to reject the politics of division peddled by the PPP and salute the astute leadership of David Granger and the APNU+AFC Coalition as we fight against the lawless and indecent PPP which has shown its colours,” the body stated.

It called on Guyanese to all fight the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and “reject the bad politics of the PPP as we build one Guyana,” adding that the the “decade of Development is upon us.”


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