THE University of Guyana’s final year Social Work students have broken new ground and set the stage for solid bonding with the residents of Lamaha Park, East La Penitence, with the construction and ceremonial unveiling and presentation of a new ‘Community Name Sign’ and street signs for that community.

The ceremony was held on Sunday, at the northern entrance to Lamaha Park. Conducted over a 10-week period, the initiative was a Faculty of Social Sciences Final Year Project for DSW 4104 Community Practice, and was undertaken by five students under the astute leadership of Kimberly Conway, the lone resident of Lamaha Park in the group.
Other members of the group, termed the “Fabulous Group of Five” which worked to design and get the project going, bringing it to a successful completion and in record time were: Shelisa Comacho-Khan (Secretary); Marcia Grannum, Ashanti Jasper, and Joumal Johnson. They were ably assisted by volunteers from the community , all of whom were given tokens of appreciation for their efforts on the day of the ceremony.
Among the distinguished persons joining the organising students and residents of Lamaha Park in celebration of the momentous occasion were: The Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia Chase-Green; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Reginald Brotherson, A.A: Vice Chancellor of the University of Guyana, Professor Ivelaw Griffith, CCH; Chief Education Officer, Marcel Hutson; Bishop Timothy Norton of God’s Cathedral of Praise, Lamaha Park and DSW 4104 lecturer, Debbie Hopkinson.
Funds to complete the project were achieved by generous donations from civic-minded persons and entities, among whom were: The Department of Public Service, Ministry of the Presidency, American Home Tile and Stone which donated the tiles for the Community Name Sign, along with donations from a few private residents for miscellaneous expenses over the 10-week period.
Kimberly Conway, in giving an overview of the project said that the group was tasked with identifying a need in a community of their choice and fulfilling it, and after some perusal, decided on the new sign and street signs. The project was also punctuated with the beautification of the entrance to Lamaha Park and placement of litter bins.
Vice Chancellor Griffith, in his remarks, referred to the initiative as a significant step in enabling the community to be beautified. He initiated a round of applause for the social workers, for all the sponsors, contributors and residents who helped to make the project happen, while calling on the residents to make a verbal commitment to show respect for the job that was undertaken.
Declaring that the collaboration is a demonstration of what social work in action is all about, the Vice Chancellor urged residents to take pride in, and keep the area and signs presented by them in good shape.

The Vice Chancellor reasoned that the work of the social work students could not have actualised the project by itself, but necessitated collective action. And on this note, he painstakingly admonished the residents to maintain its beautification and not to undo the work of the students and sponsors. He also exhorted them to each take ownership and the responsibility to keep the environment in pristine beauty.
Meanwhile, Mayor Chase-Greene remarked that it was indeed a pleasure to be participating in the small but very significant ceremony. She congratulated the students for their hard work and dedication to realise their dream and congratulated the residents as well, for the work done on bringing about such an ambience that now besets the area, admitting how smart it looks. “If we look at the surroundings, it is beautiful, let’s keep it that way,” she told residents.
The Mayor, graciously opened on a note of making a commitment that everything that was promised on her campaign trail will be delivered. “I know that on our campaign trail we did promise streets, roads, water, street signs.” She, however, said, that the reality is the Council could not afford to deliver everything that was asked for, in a short period of time. She explained that over time, the Council has been working with other organisations, but assured the residents that they will get what was promised.
And in relation to the bridge linking Lamaha Park to Festival City, which is in a state of disrepair, the Mayor expressed concern that just recently a child had fallen through that bridge and suffered injury. She promised to look into that matter, also, adding that the municipality would welcome partnership to have such projects undertaken. But, Permanent Secretary, Reginald Brotherson was adamant that it should be a matter of priority. “We petitioned for telephones and we got it. We petitioned for lights, roads and electricity and got them. We petitioned for that bridge, and we’ve got to get it!”
And in his feature address, Brotherson congratulated the University students and said it was refreshing to see the community spirit ‘alive’ in the gathering for the unveiling of the university students’ gift to the community. “We are gathered here today….to recognise and pay homage to the work they have done.”
Brotherson said that given the composition of the persons present at the gathering, it was opportune to talk about partnership in the developmental context of the Lamaha Park community. Against this backdrop, he gave a brief overview of the community, noting that its socio-economic environment is one that mirrors most of the nation’s communities, having had their formation through incidences of colonialisation, slavery and indentureship.
He made the point that citizens should be more actively involved in the advancement of their communities.

Brotherson said that with a population of some 600 from diverse backgrounds, including : civil society- public servants, teachers, entrepreneurs and self – employed residents, it is possible for residents to engage with government ministries, such as the Ministry of Communities, Public Infrastructure and Public Security through residents’ petition for a Community Policing Group and maintenance of the playfield, drainage, alleyways and parapets. He also proposed a road network to facilitate vehicular traffic ingressing and egressing through North Ruimveldt to the South and Lamaha Springs to the East so that the engagement between the residents and the relevant ministries can be facilitated within the governance framework.
The Permanent Secretary promised to act upon all the recommendations made by the Vice Chancellor adding: “We’ve got to maintain and build upon what many have done before, and now, what this ‘Fabulous Five’ in a more structured and community-spirit participatory way has achieved.”
Meanwhile, DSW 4104 Course Lecturer, Debbie Hopkinson also had kudos for the group of five Social Work students. She expressed pride and satisfaction in the task undertaken and the dedication and energy put into it.
She emphasised that Social Work is not just about meeting people and looking after their problems, adding that social work occurs on a macro level as well as a micro level.