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Dr. Bertrand R. Stuart DDS
- November 18, 2018
MECHANICAL oral hygiene procedures to remove dental plaque, including tooth brushing and flossing unequivocally enhance periodontal health. Gingivitis, although nearly universal among children and …
- November 11, 2018
EVERY dental professional knows that children as patients present a challenge when drugs are required during the course of dental treatment. Special consideration should …
- November 4, 2018
I decided to deal with this topic, which, incidentally I am writing in Honolulu, Hawaii where I am attending the American Dental Association’s annual …
- October 28, 2018
SOME types of primary prevention require professional intervention. Poliomyelitis, smallpox, and diphtheria can be prevented by vaccines that stimulate the formation of antibodies in …
- October 14, 2018
DENTAL practitioners have tried to develop artificial teeth to be placed in the jawbones since the origin of dentistry. However, it was not until …
- October 7, 2018
WHILE the caption may seem overly simplistic, in reality, it is not. It seems that the essence of dentistry is the embodiment of toothache. …
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