Community groups, youth organisations join “Pick it Up Guyana” campaign

THE Government of Guyana, through the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, will move to make changes in the Environmental Regulations, to appoint Environmental Wardens to tackle littering and enforce the laws relating to littering. This comment was made by Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Hon. Robert M. Persaud, during his participation on Saturday, June 23 last, at community enhancement exercises at East La Penitence, Georgetown; and Diamond, East Bank Demerara, organized by the East La Penitence Community Development Group and the Grove/Diamond Progressive Youth Organisation Group respectively.
According to Mr. Delroy Carrington, Chairman of the East La Penitence Community Development Group, the two-day community enhancement exercise forms part of the “Pick it Up Guyana” campaign to support residents to clean up the environment and create awareness, with the aim to bring about behavioural change to keep the community clean and healthy.
United States Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Brent Hardt, who joined the East La Penitence Community Development Group’s clean up exercise, welcomed the initiative taken by the group to clean up its community. He stated that the objective is to generate community responsibility and get people involved and support the government’s initiative, “Pick It
Up Guyana” campaign. He also urged more communities to come on board and get involved in getting Guyana clean.
Natural Resources and the Environment Minister, who attended both events, stated thus: “The campaign is not about picking up other people’s garbage, but it’s more strategic and focused on changing the mindset of our society.”
He urged the private sector, religious organizations, trade unions and youth groups, among other groups, to come forward and get involved in supporting this national effort to contribute to the “Pick It up Guyana” campaign to keep Guyana clean.

Guyana showcases leadership

“GUYANA once again showcased its leadership at the Rio +20 Summit, which recently concluded in neighbouring Brazil, where Guyana was recognized for its work advocating calls for sustainable development, protecting our forest and environment,” Minister Persaud highlighted.
“As such, Guyana must be a place reflective of its policies and other aspects of development, and (be) consistent in managing our natural resources,” Minister Persaud added.
Additionally, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment will engage the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and the Mayor and City Council to support the efforts of the “Pick it up Guyana” campaign, and collaborate to keep Guyana clean.
Meanwhile, the “Pick it up Guyana” campaign continues to receive responses from a wide cross section of the Guyanese populace, as more volunteer and community groups and religious and political organizations are coming forward to support the efforts to keep Guyana clean.
Persons or groups interested in getting involved are asked to visit the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment’s Website: or call telephone numbers 227-0343 or 227-0346.


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