Double-decker bridge for DHB

Dear Editor
I VENTURE to respectfully enquire if the authorities responsible for the planning of the new Demerara Harbour Bridge have given any serious thought to inviting designs for the construction of a double-decker bridge.

The reason for the double-deck is to additionally make provision for an over-water section of mass transit Trans-Guyana railroad system link, designed to eventually operate from our eastern border to some point at the western extremity of Guyana.
Such a mass transit facility would contribute to my previously touted ‘Freedom to Move’ concept, which should be adopted by the powers that be, to facilitate the ease of access to land, water and air transportation throughout Guyana. It would also be a boost to development.

Contributional funding may be investigated when a multi-decked bridge, to be a part of a Trans Pan-American Rail and Highway system linking our contiguous neighbours, is visualised.
Of course, Mr Editor, a new capital to the south of Guyana may be a prime consideration in this regard, in addition to what the prophets of doom have forecasted in relation to the adverse effects of global warming eventually affecting our coastland.
Accept, Sir, the assurance of my highest consideration.

Aubrey Alexander
Ret’d Deputy Director
Civil Aviation

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