Dear Editor,
SO THE ‘Fantastic Four’ of the Georgetown Municipality, or at least most of them, are off globe-trotting again, this time to the Far East? It would seem as though this mayor is attempting to out-travel her predecessor in just one year.
Georgetown municipal officials seem to have no qualms in flying the friendly skies in style, regularly using first class for their travel. This reflects the culture of entitlement that pervades City Hall even in an era of supposed revenue shortfalls, contractors and workers not being paid, and other creditors being owed hundreds of millions of dollars.
Is no one at the Ministry of Communities charged with overseeing or reining in such expenditures? The Fantastic Four seem to have an addiction to luxury travel to all corners of the earth, whilst bringing back nothing for the City.
Even if tickets are provided, there is still a heavy taxpayer expense in per diems, gifts and other associated costs.
Maybe it is time for the Georgetown City Council to purchase its own private jet, a Gulfstream or Lear Jet maybe, using revenue from the parking meters. It would allow the Fantastic Four to cut back the excruciatingly long airport security lines they have to endure to luggage checks, crying babies and sick passengers freely sharing their germs with this mighty municipal team on their fortnightly trips to Panama, Mexico, Chile, USA, China etc.
But seriously, is it only the members of the Fantastic Four who are capable, qualified, and competent to travel? Do no other Councillors or officers have passports, visas or vaccinations? When the present Mayor was Deputy Mayor and an ordinary Councillor, she did a lot of travelling on behalf of the Mayor and City Council. Surely, some of these current junkets could be awarded to the Deputy Mayor, or other Councillors and Officers, most of whom are more articulate and urbane.