THE Alliance For Change extends joyous greetings to all Guyanese, especially our Hindu brothers and sisters on the revered celebration of Phagwah, or Holi.
Phagwah, or the Festival of Colours, signals new beginnings, and renews hope of a better life.
Written centuries ago, the story of Phagwah and its lesson of faith remains relevant even today. It is a story of good triumphing over evil, as the life of the young devotee was spared while the evildoers perished.
The story shows us that greed and corruption can destroy even families. It tells us of the arrogant and greedy King Hiranyakashuip, who thought himself a God, and his equally arrogant sister, Holika, who believed herself indestructible. But in the end, the faith of the young devotee, Prahalad, prevailed, and evil was vanquished.
Phagwah reminds us that while evildoers may appear to prosper, it is but for a short time, and eventually, faith and good will overcome.
As we celebrate this Phagwah with our friends and families, let us exhort each other to do good, and to renounce evil. In so doing, may our lives be brightened and colourful, even as the many colours of Phagwah.
Happy Holi!
AFC: Phagwah reminds us that good will always prevail