PROMINENT business entity, J&G Supermarket of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice, has thrown its support behind the One Guyana Mashramani Softball Cup set for the Sunday, February 16 at the Bath Community Centre Ground. The action bowls of at 09:00 hrs.
The one-day limited overs tournament is being organised and co-ordinated by Roraima Community Developers and R.S. Sports in association with Bath Settlement Sports Club.
Managing Director of J&G Supermarket, Deonarain, pointed out that he was very pleased to support the event and as part of his cooperate social responsibility, he sees it fitting for his business to be part of the softball competition.
Deonarain stressed that the event will see people from different walks of life and communities coming together in one place to support the grassroot sport.
Deonarain thanked the organisers for reaching out to his entity for supporting the event and wishes all the teams and players the very best and hope they perform to the best of their abilities. He further urged the players to respect each other and to adhere to the rules which govern the game.
The coordinators thank the management of J&S Supermarket for coming on board and encourages the public to show appreciation by supporting the business entity.
The tournament is part of the celebrations to commemorate Guyana’s 55th Republic Anniversary and will feature both male and female teams from Regions 3, 4, 5, and 6 in the one-day limited overs affair.
The organisers believe that sporting events like these will bring out the young and old despite being Open tournament which will see over $500,000 in cash and prizes up for grabs.
Outstanding individual players in each match, along with players with the best overall bowling figures, the best overall highest score in an inning, players of the finals, and most valuable player being awarded with trophies..
Other side attractions include snatch-de-bottle, sack race, 100 metres sprint, tug-ah-war and dancing competitions, with the winners receiving cash prizes and trophies.
Among the other sponsors are Revision Optical, Cozy Pub, Furniture Pro,Taro’s Construction, S. Chattergoon 65 Sports Store, M.K Kayum Hoosein Construction, Wakar Steel Fabrication, Khan’s Agri Centre, Tage Singh (Rex), Angad and ATL Engineering,
All funds raised will go towards Bath Sports Club to assist in enhancing the club’s activities for its young people.
Interested teams are asked to contact the captain of the Bath Settlement Sports Club, Mahesh Persaud, at 626-1869 or 657-2022 to register. Registration closes on Friday, February 14.