Budget 2025 contains better benefits to allow bolder breaks

Dear Editor,

LAUGHTER is sometimes recommended by the doctor to be a good medicine for stress relief, and one of the best providers is the National Assembly of the Parliament of Guyana, where the 2025 Budget debate is taking place.

The PNC once again proved that their party remains “dead meat,” the worst possible alternative, without substance, insignificant and the centre of attraction for comedy.

The toxic opposition is living up to their poisonous legacy of being unable to run a cake shop, their devastating history of being proud enablers of vitriolic debates and their fervent duty of religiously spewing venom. Hailed as a bigger budget with better benefits to allow bolder breaks, Budget 2025 is yet another ground-breaking trillion-dollar budget, closely following the footsteps of the pacesetter, the trillion-dollar Budget, 2024.

Yet, most of the malicious members of the mendacious PNC cannot find anything good about the budget to support it. But hark, a moment of hope did glimmer with the conscience of a few who dared to antagonise the PNC in defiance and deviate to support the budget because they found it good for the people of Guyana. A few good women and men on the other side of the bench did not follow the ‘quicksand’ policy of the PNC as they recognised, acknowledged and endorsed the right side of development. Will this be consequential for the rebels and viewed as a mutiny or a revolt?

The opposition is once again washing their dirty laundry in public, showing how volatile they are in skulduggery by distorting facts. The young, budding and bright economist needs to acknowledge that the graphics of the country reflect real growth. They exposed themselves so that Dave can see all the way to Arizona by tainting the truth. It was the downside of the PNC’s 33 years of mismanagement which created the downsizing of Guyana’s economy. The young ones should undress themselves from the PNC’s circus. Unable to calculate the half of 65, imagine how mind-boggling it must be to handle a trillion-dollar figure.
They have the “GADZOOKS” to then tread on Minister Priya Manickchand’s territory and want to talk about educating the children of Guyana.

APNU/AFC has the temerity to talk about resuscitating sugar after murdering the industry and drinking the blood of the workers. Imagine, the opposition is now debating about APNU/AFC wanting to revive and develop GuySuCo after vandalising and destroying the corporation during their last tenure, by closing four estates and putting over 7,000 (seven thousand) sugar workers on the breadline! This statement certainly tickled the ribs of the PPP/C parliamentarians which produced roars of laughter that smelled of sarcasm and mockery. This devastated move by a heartless PNC government certainly brought tears to the workers, destroying the livelihoods of over 40,000 (forty thousand) people, creating social disorders and even suicides.

As a nation mourned the death of sugar in 2016, the PNC danced away and sang the praises of a devious Granger leadership while the workers, businesspeople, farmers, suppliers and families plummetted into poverty and bankruptcy. “Sugar will not die,” boasted the PNC in their 2015 election campaign as “Naga” and “Janjat” coerced the people to vote for the AFC. And now the opposition has the “ CHUTZPAH” to feign compassion for the workers and to ask Guyanese to trust them. How can Guyanese trust the PNC when they turn around and stab you in the back? How can you trust them when they failed to deliver on their promise to increase sugar workers’ wages? How can workers trust the PNC when the poor workers were sent home without any compensation for months? Without a Ministry of Labour, no wonder workers were left outside in the cold.

The bombastic PNC had the audacity to talk about integrity. Yet, it was the same PNC who attempted to subvert the will of the people in their brazen attempt in front of the eyes of the world to rig the 2020 general and regional elections. Yes, Guyanese and the world at large will remember them and will not forget when election 2025 comes around. When the wicked PNC ruled from 2015 to 2020, they squatted for two years and refused to hold an election when it was due three months after the No Confidence Motion was passed in 2018.

Caught with their pants down, the young PNC members were misled and forced to sing their shenanigans for their supper only to be ultimately ridiculed, as they were found wanting by the PPP/C who educated them with facts, figures and formulas. The heist of shame was very presumable as the presumptuous PNC delivered their expected load of malarkey with unreserved impertinence. Wanting to showcase their achievements, the PNC left the door wide open to remind Guyanese how their squandermania brought Guyana to its knees.

The PNC wants the nation to know the PPP/C government by their “Deeds.” A slip of the tongue from the learned friend? What a compliment the opposition paid to an administration which has crossed the border to fulfil its manifesto and keep their promises they made during the 2020 General and Regional Elections. The PPP/C has fulfilled their obligations and Guyana can now depend on President Ali and the PPP/C to continue the transformation of Guyana from poverty to prosperity, from destruction to development, from hindrance to headway and from ruckus to repose.

The PNC has once again shown their sharp steel and have failed to temper their sword of nescience. With their tarnished track record not based on truth, trust nor tranquility, they will unavoidably and understandably be debating Budget 2026, sitting on the same side of the bench.

Yours respectfully,
Jai Lall

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