Terrance Campbell’s campbellistic terracariosa

I AM aware that Mr. Terrance Campbell’s area is business and not lexicology (study of words) so I will use the next paragraph to define the words above for Mr. Campbell (please nothing personal intended) because I could not think of two more appropriate words to describe his recent opinion that APNU+AFC could win the next election.

These two words are bitingly relevant to describe Mr. Campbell’s fascination with imagination, which ironically has some bearing in reality. Campbellistic is taken from campbellism, an ancient Christian sect that believes miracles can be made to happen. Terracariosa is similar to dead meat, only that the rooting thing is wood.

Why are these two words germane to Campbell’s political thought process? First, Mr. Campbell can try to generate miracles, as the Campbellites believed, but did not succeed in doing. The APNU+AFC will lose badly, so there will be no miracle. An explanation for this will follow below. Why apply “terracariosa” to Campbell’s prediction? Because terracosiosa is dead wood, which is what the AFC became in 2015 and no miracle can transform dead meat back to life. The Campbellites could not perform miracles and Campbell can predict all he wants. He cannot do what the Campbellites could not – create miracles.

Let’s look at words again. What does Campbell understand by the meaning of the word “problem?” Let’s contextualize it. What Campbell means by the problem in Guyana that PNC and AFC must fix? As I know it and as I see it, the problem that the PNC and AFC have, cannot be fixed in 2025 and maybe could only be fixed long into the future.

Campbell exclaims that he was privy to a poll that shows that if the PNC and AFC come together and cast aside personal and other differences, they can win the 2025 poll, thus they need to fix the problem urgently. But that problem that Campbell envisioned is not the real dilemma facing the PNC and AFC. The real Mckoy is the world’s perception of the PNC and AFC.
The world believes that the PNC and AFC conspired with culprits in the GECOM operations base in 2020 to alter the election results to give the PNC and AFC power. Guyanese are not going to vote for the PNC and AFC in such numbers that will give them a majority. In fact, they will lose seats in parliament.

The electorate will not vote in the PNC and AFC in November because the memory of a cruel Faustian journey where monsters did a Mephistophelian waltz with the Region 4 ballot boxes for five months are still fresh in their minds. The problem is not what Campbell thinks it is. The insurmountable cul-de-sac lies in Campbell himself and the new kid on the block – Nigel Hughes.
They will not get rid of the problem by acknowledging it, fixing it, then move on. The dilemma is that there were colossal attempts to rig the 2020 poll that Campbell and Hughes refuse to acknowledge. Hughes has an additional, huge problem which the Campbellites can do nothing about. People in November will remember Nigel’s ghoulish mathematics that is only found in a Stephen King’s novel.

Nigel says half men are automatically born if you divide a group of 65 people into halves. So you have to stitch them together and when you do that, 34 becomes the majority of 65. The damp squib in Nigel mathematics is that he was not dealing with marks on an examination school sheet, but real living humans. So APNU and AFC have a nightmarish, electoral existence. People believe that they attempted for five months to rig the general election and will not vote for them the way they did before.

But the horrible tsunami that will inevitably sweep the PNC and AFC into the bosom of Hades that Campbell’s Campbellites will be unable to save is the mountainous fact that the world, not Guyana only, not the CARICOM region only but the world believes that once in power again, the PNC and AFC will never ever again in the life of Guyana allow for an open, free poll.

The memories will not go away and those memories are the nemesis of Campbell, Nigel Hughes, the PNC leadership and the AFC leadership. Those memories swirl around the recent life of Guyana that stick quicker and last longer than silicone. The PPP called an election and lost a majority in 2011. The PPP called an election in 2015 and lost a majority. The PNC and AFC called an election in 2020 and refused to leave. They wanted permanent power. They will not get it in 2025. Terrance Campbell’s Campbellites cannot bring terracariosa back to life.
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited.


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