I am offering money for legal assistance in 2025

THERE is no society in which the powerful authorities procrastinate in taking condign measures to stop social aberrations. People all over the world are inclined to praise the US as an open, free society. But the US enacted legislation to deport anyone despite the decades that person lived in the US if they are not citizens and are convicted for a criminal offence.

In Guyana, draconian policies to extirpate deviant behaviour that violates the rights of law-abiding citizens must be carried out this year. I start with noise nuisance. You don’t need any research to tell you that Guyana has a huge population of school children.
How can they study at nights when loud music and unbearable noise from the modified exhaust of motor cycles disturb them?

I live directly across the road from MovieTowne. On the street where MovieTowne is, a member of the nouveau riche stratum has built a weekend structure that rivals any majestic house you see in Florida. I got to know this when I went to complain about the use of illegal firecrackers.
If this is a weekend getaway, then imagine what takes place there. I can tell you what takes place there because it affects me and my wife and my neighbours – unbearably loud party noise after midnight. In the line of fire is my neighbour who is in her mid-eighties. In the line of fire is the Ambassador from the Dominican Republic who has two small children.

Noise nuisance is mental harassment and Guyana drifts from year to year complaining about it but it simply goes on. Noise nuisance has now reached a frightening level with car music. If Guyana does not nip this new social cancer in the bud, it will become uncontrollable.
Here is what is taking place in Guyana since early last year. A substantial amount of low-life drivers have installed huge stereo seats in their trunks and lower the backset and let loose thousands of decibels on the society. These drivers cannot hear an incoming siren from the fire truck, ambulance and police. They would not hear if they hit a pedestrian on the road.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has to stop this deviancy before it becomes uncontrollable. And when the policy is implemented it has to be drastic. On being stopped for noise nuisance, the stereo set must be removed by the police. This would generate harsh reaction from those drivers but it will work and in weeks’ time, not months, you will see the success. A society has no choice but to be condign in order to save society itself.

Here is what happened last year and the Home Affairs Ministry need to confront this danger. The riders of motorcyclist have modified their exhaust so it makes a very loud sound as when the racing car is on the tracks. This exhaust noise is terrifying especially in the early morning hours. It definitely wakes you up. Think of people who need their midnight sleep because they have to be up at 5am to prepare for work and they are awaken at 2 am by these low-life motorcycle riders.
I wonder all the time what the traffic ranks do on the West Coast when I am going to Parika with my wife. Innocent drivers are stopped to show documents and the vehicles and motorcycles fly pass the ranks making loud noise. Do you know the law restricts the amount of decibels? I cannot remember the exact amount but I know it is below 20. The stereo in the trunks of low-life drivers exceed over two hundred.

What else we should see in 2025 that we must confront? I believe that when a bank account becomes dormant the banks are violating people’s rights by asking them to produce a large amount of documents in keeping with the anti-laundering Act. This is improper and illegal. There is nothing in the law that says anything about dormant account.

An account that becomes inactive cannot be involved in money laundering thus the holder should not be compelled to produce documents. The account should automatically be renewed. Should you fall under the harassment tentacles of the bank for dormancy please take a lawyer. I will raise money for the lawyer. My phone is 614-5927. My email is fredkissoon@yahoo.com.

The banks must be compelled to stop this nonsense in 2025. The banks have become a law unto themselves. They must be confronted in their harassment of working class citizens of this country. Please take them to court over their mistreatment of you. I will willingly raise money for the lawyer.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited.

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