The Collective Will

THE vast majority of Guyanese have a positive outlook on the future direction of the country. This is understandable. The country is on the cusp of breathtaking developments, the like of which was never experienced before.
Much of this is the result of our newly found oil and gas resources, which have catapulted this nation of ours to upper middle-class status. Owning a home and a vehicle are no longer beyond the reach of the average Guyanese as was the case under the PNC regime. People today live longer and healthier lives. Education-attainment levels are on the rise.

This surge in development is being acknowledged by the vast majority of Guyanese who see it in a multiplicity of ways. They see it in better roads and streets which at one time were inaccessible; they see it in improved health care; they see it in enhanced education delivery; they see it in a better quality of water and by no means least, they see it in their own sense of empowerment.

These are no ordinary achievements. These are all the result of a developmental path embraced by the PPP/C administration to put people at the centre of all policy interventions. Development for the current government is all about people and the uplifting of their material and spiritual well-being. It is about putting people first.

Such an approach to development has resulted in a new Guyanese outlook in which people are no longer ashamed of their nationality. Indeed, Guyanese today both at home and in the diaspora are now proud of their country and its leaders. The country is no longer a pariah state as during the days of PNC authoritarian rule.

These changing dynamics at the national level have changed the national mood to one of higher levels of optimism about the country and its future.
A new national consciousness is emerging which transcends the confines of race and politics. Guyanese generally are generally much more issue-oriented and not shy to give credit where it is due, namely at the guiding hands of the current PPP/C administration.
The exponential growth and development under the PPP/C administration will continue despite the negativity and obstructionist postures by the political opposition. If the opposition has its way, many of the flagship projects undertaken by the government would most likely be jettisoned as took place under the previous APNU+AFC administration.

The gas-to-shore project is one of those projects under the opposition hatchet list’ as was the fate of the Amaila Falls project which if not aborted would have by now resulted in cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy to the Guyanese people.
It would appear that the PNC and the AFC are more concerned with their politics of obstruction than with the promotion of the economic and social well-being of the Guyanese people. They continue to be critical of the oil contract between the government and ExxonMobil despite the fact that the contract was negotiated and signed by the Granger administration.

Guyanese however are much more discerning than the political opposition would give them credit for. They can see and feel development when it happens and are by no means shy to give credit where it is due. This explains the high degree of receptivity to President Ali and other government officials by Guyanese all across the country, including perceived PNC strongholds.

Guyana is doing well, even as our best days are still ahead. The economy is experiencing unprecedented levels of growth owing to a combination of prudent monetary and fiscal management; high levels of foreign and local investment; expansion of bank credits to the private sector and by no means least, massive government spending on infrastructural projects which has impacted positively on job creation and higher levels of disposable incomes.


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