THIS is an extract from a story based on facts and fuelled with landscapes of poetic licence. The title of the story is scripted under the name Fullington Yard. The landscape is of an older Georgetown, but it may still be relevant and manifesting similarly as we connect through this article. Other characters are omitted because this story is to be soon published.
The domino game was interrupted by shouting in the yard. It was the voice of Anslow, shouting at Barbara.
“Whaah! De baby is me own? Yuh de living with the big man when we pick up.”
Barbara responded, “I tell yuh he was sick, but he had a good heart. He couldn’t father this child, but he help meh survive.”
“Yuh should ah bear yuh chafe. I gone.”
Barbara shook her head in response. “Guh long yuh way. This is meh penalty, but you own gon be worse. Ah gon remind yuh when ah see yuh in yuh jail clothes, weeding the trench corner.”
Anslow retorted, “Ah got a mind fuh slap yuh into the wall,” but another voice from outside interrupted.
“Anslow, don’t knock duh woman, or I gon got fuh get involve.”
The voice came from just outside the yard, from under a tree on Drysdale Street, where a domino game was in progress. Anslow quickly exited Barbara’s location and met Gladiator eye to eye. Gladiator stood up, awaiting Anslow’s next response. As he passed Gladiator, Anslow calmly said, “You and me ent got no story.”
Gladiator replied, “Yuh tek advantage of she situation, and now want fuh beat she up cause she talk the truth, eh? Banna, guh long yuh way.”
Without another word, Anslow passed Gladiator and the domino game, murmuring to himself, “Anybody else but Gladiator.”
As Gladiator sat, he looked up at the shapely figure of Eslyn, who stood to his right. “You move from behind meh, Eslyn. You was chief battle washer; now is Barbara alone in it, and some ah we who got conscious.”
FIN of extract.
Facts inspire most fictional dramas. All rights reserved.
Today, we must concede that too many youths are involved in crime. It’s easy to say, “Deh ain’t want fuh wuk.” But where is the landscape of that access towards the diversity of accommodation investment for the obvious talents that span our independent population? Until then, history will be condemned to repeat itself. It begins with monitoring the delinquency of students, helping them to understand the vices and temptations of drugs, etc. Each of us has to do our part because faith without works is naught.