PPP/C NA councillor returns to meetings after High Court overturns suspension
PPP/C councilor, Nicole Luther, presenting a poster to the council showcasing who was promoting the Town Day activity. Pictured to the left is Carol Trim-Bagot
PPP/C councilor, Nicole Luther, presenting a poster to the council showcasing who was promoting the Town Day activity. Pictured to the left is Carol Trim-Bagot

-continues to press for answers on financial matters

CAROL Trim-Bagot, one of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic councillors on the New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council, on Monday, attended her first statutory meeting following the New Amsterdam High Court’s decision to overturn her suspension.

The APNU+AFC-led Mayor and Town Council of New Amsterdam suspended Trim over claims of disorderly conduct; however, Trim had maintained that the suspension was an orchestrated attack on her after she spoke out about financial irregularities at the level of the council.

Not backing down, Trim-Bagot filed a court action which led to her suspension being thrown out as unconstitutional.

“The court hereby grants an order of certiorari quashing the decision of the Respondent to suspend the Applicant, (Trim – Bagot) from service of the Council for three (3) months on the ground that it was an improper exercise of power, in excess of jurisdiction, unreasonable, and in bad faith”, the court order read.

Furthermore, the council was ordered to pay Trim-Bagot the sum of $50,000 within three (3) months of the date of this decision.

After arriving at the council’s statutory meeting on Monday, Trim-Bagot was welcomed by the mayor who acknowledged her presence.

Nevertheless, Trim-Bagot during the meeting called on the council to be forthcoming as to where the “money is from the Town Day.” She said: “it’s not here yet. I’ve gotten phone calls from a couple of people within this institution that they have not gotten pay so I am going to be asking the Town Clerk or the Treasurer. I want to know where is the money held from the town and also from the BBQ that was held here.”

The New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council recently celebrated its anniversary with several events.

Trim-Bagot stressed to the council that “these are the discrepancies that I stand up time and time again on this floor to address and I think that was part of what amounted to my suspension.”

She further added that there is a pattern at the level of the council where a certain councillor who has to give the account number for the money is not present.

“I am happy that I am back and I am going to continue to speak up until we get it right at this council,” she added.

Another PPP/C councillor, Nicole Luther, also pointed out that they are seeking clarity as it relates to the proceeds from the Town Day which was recently held.

“How much money was made for the Town Day event? Who are the promoters? So that the public can know who are the promoters.”

Furthermore, Luther pointed out that for one of the events, one company made an application to host it at Stellings Road, New Amsterdam but it was later ascertained that another company known to a certain APNU+AFC councillor did all of the promotion and was seemingly in charge of the event.

Producing a poster, Luther said, “I want to know what is going on because I am a little confused because one person applied for this event to be held and another person who is a sitting councillor, he is the person that has been promoting and collecting money …my thing is, who is the real promoter for the Town Day event at the Mathew Allen Road, and where is the money? Was it deposited in the account?”

Meanwhile, Mayor of New Amsterdam, Wainwright McIntosh, informed the council that given that the events for the Town Day recently concluded, he is still awaiting a report after which he will brief the council and the media.

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