“THE National Communications Network Inc. (NCN) wishes to address a concerning report about the alleged actions of an A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)-affiliated councillor against a member of our team at the Watooka Guest House, where the Linden Mayor & Town Council’s statutory meeting was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
“The reported incident followed the statutory meeting, where the NCN team was fulfilling its responsibility to cover the event. A disagreement between the Town Clerk and the Mayor had escalated, resulting in the premature adjournment of the statutory meeting.
“Following this, several councillors expressed their frustration as they exited. During this time, one councillor, Mr. Abdulla Hamid of the APNU, reportedly directed inappropriate language towards NCN’s staff member, Ianna Benjamin, who was simply documenting the proceedings, as is the responsibility of the media, and our duty to the public.
“It is imperative to emphasise that our media personnel, especially our women staff, should not face hostility or disrespect while performing their duties. Such behaviour, if found to be true, undermines the essential role of journalists in fostering transparency and accountability. “Unfortunately, we have observed a pattern of unsavoury conduct directed at State media workers by affiliates and proxies of the APNU and the Alliance For Change (AFC).
“NCN will bring this matter formally to the attention of the Guyana Press Association (GPA) in hopes that an investigation will be done, and that action will be taken to promote respect for and protection of the rights of media workers, especially those representing state media.
“We trust that the elected representative in question recognises the essential role of journalists in fostering transparency and accountability. We have also called on the GPA to underscore the value and right of State media workers to carry out their duties without fear of intimidation or verbal abuse, and we note with grave concern that this is not the first such incident report received which affects NCN’s team in Linden.”