Dear Editor,
THE Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has reviewed Mr. Leroy Charles’ submission to the Stabroek News, titled, “This could end up being a great waste of cane”.
GuySuCo firmly condemns the misinformation presented in the letter, and wished to remind Mr. Charles that the Corporation is audited by the Auditor-General’s Office. The audit for the Year 2022 has been completed, and we are currently in the process of finalising the 2023 audit.
Moreover, Mr. Charles’ allegations of corruption related to the use of Skeldon Estate lands for cane planting and the selection of contractors are unfounded and misleading.
The facts are as follows:
On September 5, 2024, GuySuCo, through the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), invited expressions of interest for the conversion of 1,500 hectares of land (for tillage and planting). The deadline for submissions was September 17, 2024, and, as of the writing of this response, the evaluation process is still ongoing.
It is, therefore, perplexing that Mr. Charles would suggest, or intentionally mislead readers by claiming that a contractor has already been selected, and implying an associated cost, when the procurement process is far from concluded. The assertion of a $1.4 million per hectare price is particularly questionable, given that the evaluation is still in progress.
We urge Mr. Charles to clarify for your readers how this figure was determined when no official outcome has been reached.
The Guyana Sugar Corporation is a public entity that welcomes scrutiny and constructive criticism aimed at enhancing the sector’s performance. However, Mr. Charles’ reckless fabrications on matters he neither understands nor has evidence of are strongly condemned.
Yours respectfully,
The Communications and Marketing Department
Guyana Sugar Corporation
La Bonne Intention, ECD