The reason the opposition team really has no captain at present is simple

Dear Editor,

IN a letter published on September 24 in another section of the media, captioned “This is not about what Norton or Hughes want”, there was mention of an event several weeks ago that was attended by Aubrey Norton and Nigel Hughes, and at which an opportunity was presented that the author suspects is being unwisely wasted by the two gentlemen.

The author lamented that “The act by David Hinds of the WPA, on Emancipation Eve, joining hands with Norton and Hughes, as a sign of unity though well intended, in less than a month, appears meaningless in light of the political narcissism on display.
“Both leaders need each other, and must, therefore, not jeopardise the opportunity given them by their constituency to deliver a win for the collective opposition and Guyana. Where does Hughes and Norton get their understanding that they can go separately and unseat the PPP?
“Thinking of unseating the PPP is one thing, but the “act” by David Hinds, in an attempt to show a sign of unity between Norton and Hughes by joining their hands, was preceded by an unpolished introduction by a wild-eyed Hinds, that proved why the Opposition will remain stuck in morass and is unlikely to succeed.”

I will provide some context. It’s July 31, 2024. Emancipation Eve. The occasion is the ‘Black Is Beautiful’ Emancipation Concert and Cultural Festival being held at Buxton. On stage is Dr David Hinds of the Working People’s Alliance.
As he prepares to conclude his presentation, he uses the opportunity to attempt to create an image of unity between the leaders of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) Aubrey Norton, and Alliance For Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, for the viability of A Partnership for National Unity.
What follows is two-and-a-half minutes of awkwardness, involving three grown men – one of whom (Hinds) intends to prove that his efforts at creating a unified force will stand the test of time. This is how he attempts to do so.
“We are launching the attack tonight! I would like to call on stage now, Mr. Nigel Hughes and Opposition Leader, Mr. Aubrey Norton. Please join me on stage. And as these two brothers come on stage, I want to say something to y’all, black people. Every brother and every sister leader qualify to be president of this country. We does seh in Queh-Queh, “awe suh marrid, awe suh marrid…(crowd chants “awe suh marrid ,oh”)…If all like ah dem cyan marrid, den me twilly cyan marrid. (Crowd laughs and screams gleefully)
“If dem cyan tek nutten and mek something , a wha wrang wid awe dis?”

Sisters and Brothers, (he then says quietly to Hughes and Norton ‘y’all hold me hand’). He raises an arm of each gentleman to the delight of the crowd (a sign of marriage?), and holds them aloft for 15 seconds before releasing.
He continues: “Thank you. We are launching the attack…And we goin’ all the way!
Just behind him on either side, Norton and Hughes, are nervously grinning and casting fleeting glances at each other from behind Hinds. Each has a hand raised as if to shake the other’s; they never do. It looks like moments before a gunfight in a western film. A visibly uneasy Norton prepares to exit stage left (he really doesn’t want to be there), but is stopped by Hinds.

“No I ent done wid y’all yet….We goin’ all the way, we pickin’ we team, and den de captain gun come later. Any one ah we could be de captain. Sisters and Brothers, as Aubrey and I take our leave (from the stage), we leave you in capable hands…our Senior Counsel, our People’s Lawyer…wha he name? (crowd says ‘Nigel Hughes’) “Nigel, who…? (Hughes!!!).

The microphone is then handed to Hughes for him to deliver his remarks.
Editor, I have just described verbatim what occurred on a public platform in our country. A raw appeal to tribal instincts in a disturbingly divided society. How else can I decipher “I want to say something to y’all, black people”. Guests of other ethnicities were present, but it’s as though they were ghosts.
For all that has been said about the PPP and its methods of maintaining control, it would be interesting to have someone in the Opposition provide evidence of a similar outpouring at a PPP rally, which would have a similarly wide cross-section of supporters, special invitees, and impressionable youth in attendance. The PPP’s leaders are cognisant of the pitfalls associated with such loose-tongued excesses.
To express your rawest emotions so openly at a public forum, without being cautioned by two supposedly responsible leaders in attendance, is proof why the Opposition team really has no captain at present. People like selector Hinds certainly can’t help that process.
Yours faithfully,
Sherwin Crandon

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