Preview of Exhibition ‘bat and ball’ at Moray House set for tomorrow at 17.00 hrs

MORAY House Trust will launch the preview of the bat and ball exhibition at the Gallery at Moray House from 17:00hrs tomorrow September 24 and the public is invited to attend the preview of the exhibition.
The Moray House Trust is located at 239 Camp and Quamina Streets, Georgetown.

The Moray House Trust is an occasional art gallery and exhibition space to complement its existing programme of cultural work.
“We selected bat and ball as the theme for this exhibition because it is an intrinsic part of local culture. Nearly everyone who has grown up in Guyana has played bat and ball at some point. Most of us have vivid memories of bottom-house or back-yard games of cricket, or games played in the park, the road, a bit of pasture or on the beach.

Dozens of artists answered our call to decorate simple homemade bats. These will be on display alongside a small selection of photographs of bat and ball, as played on a street, a beach and in the hinterland” disclosed Dennis de Caires and Christina Grell, the curators of the Gallery at Moray House

Many of the bats will be on sale for USD100. Sales will be on a first-come, first-served basis with payment in full required to seal a purchase. The Trust can accept payment by VISA.

RSVP: Tel: 2260724, Email:


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