India Water Week 2024: Minister Croal advocates for sustainable water management
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, is leading Guyana's delegation at the 8th India Water Week-2024
Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, is leading Guyana's delegation at the 8th India Water Week-2024

MINISTER of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, is leading Guyana’s delegation at the 8th India Water Week-2024, an international event focused on inclusive water development and management.
During Tuesday’s Ministerial Plenary Session, Croal highlighted the critical importance of sustainable water resource management in the face of increasing global demands and environmental challenges.
The event, hosted in New Delhi, brings together water sector leaders and policymakers from around the world. India’s Minister of Jal Shakti, Shri Chandrakant Raghunath Patil, and other notable figures are among the attendees. Representing Guyana alongside Minister Croal is Mr. Shaik Baksh, CEO of Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).

In his address, Minister Croal underscored the urgency of addressing water scarcity and the need for innovative solutions to manage water resources effectively.
“It is an honour to represent my country at this prestigious event,” Croal remarked. “Water is a fundamental necessity for life, and, yet, millions still lack access to clean water. This event offers us a crucial opportunity to discuss how we can better manage our water resources for future generations.”
Croal detailed Guyana’s current water sector strategies, which are shaped by the Water and Sanitation Sector Strategic Plan and the Hydrometeorological Service National Strategic Plan. He outlined key initiatives including increasing access to potable water in both coastal and hinterland communities, upgrading infrastructure, and expanding treated water coverage.

Guyana, often referred to as the “land of many waters,” faces new challenges due to rapid economic growth driven by the emerging petroleum sector. Despite having 98.8 per cent access to potable water on the coast and 82per cent in hinterland communities, there is an ongoing effort to bridge the infrastructural gap through new roads, highways, and bridges.
The country is also investing in a major treated water supply programme aimed at increasing coverage from 52 per cent to 90 per cent by 2025. This programme will benefit approximately 260,000 people or 65,000 households. GWI is enhancing its water quality monitoring and expanding its capabilities with a new state-of-the-art central water testing laboratory.

In addition to water supply improvements, Guyana is addressing wastewater management, with projects underway such as the rehabilitation of the Kwakwani Sewerage System and plans for a US$40 million wastewater treatment facility in Georgetown.
Minister Croal also emphasised the challenges posed by climate change and the importance of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy, which includes measures to mitigate climate impact on water resources. This strategy involves integrating alternative energy sources and developing resilient infrastructure to cope with the effects of climate variability.

As the event progresses, Minister Croal expressed his eagerness to learn from other countries’ experiences and share Guyana’s approaches to water management.
“We have set ambitious targets, including achieving 100 per cent water coverage by 2025. I look forward to engaging with fellow delegates and exploring collaborative solutions,” Croal concluded.
The 8th India Water Week-2024 continues to be a platform for valuable dialogue and exchange on global water management strategies, with the aim of fostering sustainable development and resource preservation.


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