A hand-me-down world

EVERY few decades, a new generation of people marks the world with its own distinct flavour. It shapes the world to its liking and when it is time to move on, the next generation takes over. As the world exists today, it is at the cusp of being inherited by Generation Z (Gen Z). This is a massive responsibility that leaves us trembling underneath its weight. Shaping a world is not the job of only a few leaders or activists. It is the responsibility of every single person who is a part of a generation. So, how exactly is Gen Z going to shape this world?

Perhaps the answer lies in the simple act of learning to dream. Dreams are the fuel for change. Those who can dream for themselves will eventually learn to dream for a better world. For instance, our predecessors had dreams so rich and powerful that they built today’s world — a world where we can fly across the sky in aeroplanes, or see what each planet looks like without moving an inch.

It is an unfortunate fact, however, that over the years, it has become increasingly difficult to survive as a dreamer. We are constantly swimming in seas of information. We are bombarded with news and new knowledge every single moment. Our mind is so busy sorting through so much material that it no longer has time to create any of its own. Further, our dreams and innovations are increasingly becoming centred on solving problems we have inherited from our predecessors. Thus, we simply have no energy to focus on dreaming of a better world. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are only some of the never-ending battles that we face. We seem to have become a generation that is struggling to survive. We seem to have convinced ourselves that the things we dream of will not exist past the boundaries of our imaginations.

The truth is, whenever a new generation takes over the world, it becomes different altogether. The world that is being handed down to Gen Z is teeming with technological advancements, unlike the one that our ancestors lived in. Also, unlike our ancestors’ world, we battle a plethora of global and environmental problems whose roots begin long before our very existence.

To put it simply, we live in a hand-me-down world. The idea of ‘hand-me-downs’ is not unfamiliar, especially to those with siblings. Even expensive family heirlooms are, in their own way, a form of hand-me-downs. When we receive a hand-me-down, it may not be in mint condition, but it still has a life ahead of it and an important history behind it. We can most definitely point out every flaw in the jewellery pieces or feel irritated that one of the garments does not fit us correctly. Similarly, we can also place the article into the back of our closet and do nothing with it until it is time to pass it on to the next person.

However, if we do take a moment to tailor the clothes or polish the jewellery and add a new gemstone to it, we may find ourselves with a perfectly good article that we can use and pass down once more. With just a little time and energy spent on it, an old and worn-out article can beautifully transform into something that represents us and our memories.

This ‘hand-me-down world’ is filled with problems that we did not cause and dreams that we may not get to make. The world we have received from our predecessors is most definitely not in the same condition that they received it. However, this does not change how truly and deeply our planet is connected to us all. The problems that we face today are simply errors or by-products of the dreams for a more beautiful home. If we only direct a little bit of our attention towards correcting some of these flaws, we will find ourselves on a planet in which we can thrive. If we simply refuse to allow the flaws in our world to keep us from dreaming and innovating, then we may eventually find that the problems we have inherited are miniscule compared to the feats we can accomplish. Most importantly, we can create a home where future generations can also dream and thrive without a single obstacle to block their path.

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