I HAVE always argued that it is vital, not only necessary, to reply to anti-democratic activists, because, in doing so, you expose their hypocrisy, intellectual mediocrity, and massive political dishonesty. When you confront the falsehood and deceit in these people’s offering, you open the eyes of both their target audience and the nation in general.
Young African educated minds see for themselves the political bankruptcy of Afro-centric demagogues who purport to represent them. Every time you expose their superficial and arid arguments, they substitute personal attacks with silly tactics, and it makes them look foolish in the eyes of Guyanese.
Lincoln Lewis referred to me as ugly. African Guyanese are no fools. They obviously want to know what the relevance of that was in a political exchange. But that is Lewis’ style, since intellectual capabilities are not there.
He did the identical thing to Minister Manickchand. Instead of defending his output, he referred to words like ugly once more. Before we move off of Lewis, it has to be a huge Guyanese mystery as to why Lewis likes to publicly tell people they are ugly. Surely, not Lewis of all people!
Henry Jeffrey is another one who gets personal when you expose his pretence at analysis. He referred to me as a Trumpian narcissist. I don’t know what that means, and I doubt most Guyanese do.
So, we come to Phillips. In a letter last Tuesday, Phillips keeps getting personal instead of defending the things he postulates. I don’t know why my detractors think insulting me will deter me. In a million years, I will never let political charlatans like Phillips, Jeffrey and Lewis scare me.
So, Phillips declared last Friday he will no longer engage me, because I am a liar. Before that, in his reply to me last week, he described me as suffering from “normalised schizophrenic idiocy”. Actually, I was informed by a few persons, on reading that description of me, that Philips indeed studied psychiatry, but failed his courses.
And why I’m a liar? Because he said he sent me 17 pages of a document in which PPP personnel used disparaging words about African Guyanese, and I have not acknowledged receipt. I say from the deepest depths of my mind, I don’t believe Phillips has such document.
I say most boldly that if he had such a paper, he would have quoted date and contents and authorship. Phillips has no such document. But he will get away with his deception, because no one will challenge him to produce his 17-page phantasmagoria.
Phillips has chosen not to answer future queries of mine on his inciting politics. But that is his business; that is absolutely no concern of mine. Once Philips writes and tries to incite African Guyanese, I will confront his propaganda. People need to know about the racially-driven politics of Georgetown’s infamous triumvirate: Phillips, Lewis and Jeffrey.
So, if Phillips thinks he will write his nonsense and try to fool African Guyanese, then I will expose him, as I have done the past week. Phillips cannot answer three questions, and he has to be stupid to think he is not seen as losing credibility. Let’s repeat the two questions of mine, and that of a letter-writer.
He says the PNC won 49 per cent of the vote, yet has no power. So, I asked him which power the PPP had when it had secured under 50 per cent of the vote in 2015. Secondly, Phillips asserts that when governments are ethically based, then it will throw up bad leaders. I simply asked if the APNU+AFC was not an ethnically-based regime, thus its leadership was terrible; a leadership he served in a very sensitive capacity.
Then a letter writer, in responding to Phillips’s call for the PPP to accept power- sharing (a call Phillips eschewed between 2015-2020, when his acolytes were in power), asked him to name countries that have power-sharing.
In a most embarrassing act of comicality, Philips suggested to the gentleman that if he searches the Internet, he will find such countries. Is this the man that says he speaks for African Guyanese? Which African Guyanese will accept the intellectual paucity of Phillips?
Finally, Phillips, who refers to me as a liar more than three times in his last Friday’s missive, lied when he wrote that there was an investigation of his position of conflict of interest at SARA, which exonerated him.
There was no such investigation. But Phillips thinks he’s won, because, since he stopped engaging me, he does not have to make the document available. I end with a repetition – Do9 a Google why Professor Clive Thomas parted company with Phillips at SARA.
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