A 22-year-old labourer was, on Monday, fatally stabbed five times with a scissors, allegedly by his drinking buddy during an altercation at Sand Hill, Upper Berbice River.
According to the police, the victim, Francis Sukoo, also of Sand Hill, was fatally stabbed between 17:00hrs and 18:07hrs on Monday.
“Enquires disclosed that on the date and time mentioned, the victim was liming with the suspect and some friends at a shop, imbibing alcohol. An argument ensued between the victim and the suspect, which caused the former (Sukoo) to become annoyed and slap the latter several times in his face,” a police release detailed.
The suspect allegedly left the shop, but later returned, armed with a scissors, which he used to stab Sukoo five times about his body, causing him to collapse to the ground.
The victim was rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex, where he was pronounced dead on arrival by the doctor on duty.
Police are currently on the hunt for the suspect as investigations continue.