GCSM joins CARICOM in call for end to US sanctions on Cuba
GCSM President, Halim Khan
GCSM President, Halim Khan

The Forty-Seventh Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) recently concluded in Grenada, where leaders voiced their profound concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Cuba, exacerbated by the 62-year-old embargo imposed by the United States.

According to President of the Guyana-Cuba Solidarity Movement (GCSM), Halim Khan CARICOM’s call for the immediate lifting of this unjust and unilateral financial, economic, and trade embargo is justifiable.

“The embargo, wrongfully imposed on the Cuban people and their government, has inflicted untold hardship and suffering, depriving the nation of essential resources and economic opportunities,” Khan said.

In a statement issued at the end of the conference, held from July 28-30, CARICOM leaders reaffirmed their stance against the embargo, labelling it as a severe violation of human rights. The Heads of Government also agreed to extend material support to Cuba, recognising the urgency of the humanitarian crisis.

CARICOM’s statement reads, “The Forty-Seventh Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community is gravely concerned about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Cuba resulting from the embargo wrongfully imposed on the people and Government of Cuba over the last 62 years by the Government of the United States of America. The Conference reiterates its call for the lifting of the unjust unilateral financial, economic, and trade embargo. In light of the depth of the humanitarian situation, CARICOM Heads of Government agreed to provide material support to assist Cuba.”

Furthermore, CARICOM leaders condemned the US State Department’s continued inclusion of Cuba on its list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, describing it as “wrong and offensive.” The conference firmly reiterated the demand for Cuba’s immediate removal from this list.

The GCSM President noted that the solidarity between CARICOM nations and Cuba has always been strong, rooted in mutual respect and shared values. Cuba has consistently extended a helping hand to Caribbean nations, offering medical aid, education, and disaster relief. It is only fitting that we reciprocate this support in their time of need.

“As the President of GCSM, I urge the international community to recognise the adverse impact of the US embargo on the Cuban people. The embargo not only hinders Cuba’s economic development but also contravenes the principles of international law and human rights,” Khan underscored.

The current humanitarian crisis in Cuba, Khan added, demands urgent and collective action. “It is imperative that the US government heeds the call of CARICOM and the broader international community to lift the embargo and remove Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. Such actions would pave the way for improved diplomatic relations and economic recovery for the Cuban people.”

In conclusion, the GCSM President explained that the Guyana-Cuba Solidarity Movement stands in full support of CARICOM’s resolutions and remains committed to advocating for justice and humanitarian assistance for Cuba. “Let us all work together to ensure that the Cuban people receive the relief and support they desperately need and deserve.”


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