Saul should use his pen to address the corruption, mismanagement at M&CC

Dear Editor,

I AM writing in response to City Councillor Leon Saul’s recent letter, which is replete with empty rhetoric, false narratives, and misguided assertions about President Irfaan Ali and his administration.
Councillor Saul’s depiction of President Ali’s public engagements as mere theatrics is both misleading and unfair.

It is common for leaders to engage with the populace in a relatable manner. President Ali’s interactions symbolise his approachable leadership style and efforts to connect with citizens on a personal level.
Contrary to Saul’s claims, the “One Guyana” initiative is far from a hollow slogan. It is a comprehensive vision aimed at fostering unity, inclusivity, and equitable development across the nation.
The distribution of developmental benefits under President Ali’s administration has been more balanced and inclusive than ever before, with significant investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and housing that benefit all Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation.

Saul’s portrayal of a strained relationship between the Central Government and the Georgetown municipality is a one-sided narrative that overlooks the genuine efforts made by the Central Government to collaborate on urban development projects.
If there are issues of inefficiency and mismanagement within the municipality, it is the responsibility of local leadership to address them, not to deflect blame onto the Central Government.
Moreover, Councillor Saul’s criticism of the President’s engagement with Stabroek Market vendors highlights a fundamental misunderstanding of leadership. The President’s direct interaction with citizens to address their concerns demonstrates a commitment to responsive governance, something that should be applauded rather than condemned.
Instead of using his platform to undermine the Central Government, Councillor Saul should focus on addressing the real issues plaguing Georgetown.
The city continues to struggle with garbage pile-ups, financial mismanagement, and poor service delivery. Despite receiving billions in taxes and subventions, the city remains bankrupt. Why are the residents of Georgetown not receiving the quality of services they deserve?

Councillor Saul should hold his PNC-R colleagues accountable for their mismanagement and the inept performance of the council. He should commend President Ali’s government for stepping in to save the people of Georgetown by investing in critical infrastructure, something the M&CC has failed to do.
President Ali’s administration has a commendable track record: increasing public servants’ pay, raising old age pensions, distributing over 35,000 house lots, and reinstating the “Because We Care” cash grant for school children—a grant Saul’s party discontinued in 2015, claiming it was a waste of resources.

Dr. Ali’s government has made significant strides in every aspect of Guyana’s development, including agricultural diversification, effective management of oil revenues, energy security, environmental sustainability, and public diplomacy, all contributing to Guyana’s improved global image and economic transformation. The fact of the matter is, Dr. Ali is a global leader with a common touch, a quality many leaders lack.
In just four years, President Ali has spent more time engaging with the citizens of Georgetown, listening to their concerns, and addressing their needs than the PNCR councillors have in the past two decades. It is easy to criticise, but one must ensure that criticism is based on facts, not figments of one’s imagination.

I urge Councillor Saul to dedicate more of his time to fulfilling his responsibilities, providing basic services to the people of the city instead of hiding behind his pen to make baseless criticisms of the President, a man who has walked the walk.
Yours sincerely,
Edward Layne

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