NAREI unveils comprehensive plan to combat caterpillar infestation
Part of a farm damaged by caterpillars
Part of a farm damaged by caterpillars

THE agriculture sector in Guyana is facing a new challenge in the form of caterpillar infestations. Farmers across the region have been grappling with the invasion of these pests and the extensive damage they inflict on crops.
In response to this growing concern, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) has developed a comprehensive plan aimed at eradicating these harmful insects.

In a statement released on Friday, NAREI attributed the surge in caterpillar populations to climate change. The impact of shifting weather patterns on agriculture poses a significant threat to crop production and has led to an increased prevalence of agricultural pests. Insect pests, particularly caterpillars from the Lepidoptera order, have demonstrated varied responses to climate change, resulting in severe economic losses in crop yields.

The current situation in Guyana exemplifies this problem, as a transition from prolonged dry conditions to rainy weather has triggered sporadic but intense caterpillar infestations. These pests, especially during their larval stage, pose a major threat to crops due to their voracious leaf-feeding habits. Their feeding behaviour can rapidly strip plants of foliage, severely disrupting photosynthetic processes and overall plant health, ultimately leading to reduced crop yields.

To combat this issue, NAREI, through its Crop Extension Department (CDSS), has implemented several strategic measures. Training and Distribution of Pesticides is first on the list of actions to be taken. This initiative focuses on empowering farmers with knowledge about effective pest control methods. By providing necessary training and distributing appropriate pesticides, NAREI aims to equip farmers with the tools and skills needed to manage caterpillar infestations effectively.

A farm being sprayed to protect it from caterpillars

Additionally, demonstration exercises are also a part of NAREI’s initiative. These practical sessions are designed to provide hands-on experience in pest management techniques. By showcasing best practices, farmers can learn and apply effective methods to control caterpillar populations in their fields.
Moreover, technical assistance is another area being looked at in the fight against caterpillars. NAREI is offering ongoing support and expert advice to farmers, with a particular focus on the heavily affected areas in regions 1, 4, 6, 8, and 9. This continuous guidance ensures that farmers have access to the latest information and strategies for pest control.

Extensive work is being done in the form of ongoing interventions. The Crop Extension Department of NAREI maintains a regular presence in affected areas. This consistent engagement allows for the timely distribution of pesticides and the conduct of additional demonstration exercises, helping farmers to stay ahead of pest infestations.
These adaptive management strategies are crucial in mitigating the impact of climate-induced pest outbreaks on agriculture. By providing resources, education, and ongoing support, NAREI is working to empower farmers to maintain crop health and productivity despite the challenges posed by climate change and its effects on pest dynamics.

The institute also emphasises the importance of integrated pest management (IPM) approaches, which combine biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimises economic, health, and environmental risks. This holistic strategy not only addresses the immediate caterpillar problem but also promotes long-term sustainability in agricultural practices.
As Guyana continues to face these agricultural challenges, NAREI’s and the Ministry of Agriculture’s proactive approach demonstrate the country’s commitment to supporting its farming communities and ensuring food security in the face of changing climatic conditions. The success of these initiatives will be closely monitored, with the potential for further adaptations and enhancements to the strategy as needed.


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