Fisherman arrested for murder of common-law wife
Arrested: Neldon Neblett
Arrested: Neldon Neblett

POLICE, on Sunday, arrested Neldon Neblett, the man suspected of murdering his reputed wife, Anuradha Khatoon, on Saturday night, at Best Village, West Coast Demerara.
Neblett, who allegedly fled the crime scene, was apprehended by detectives, hours later and remains in custody, awaiting charges.
The incident, which occurred around 23:30 hrs on June 22, has left the community in shock. Anuradha Khatoon, known as “Mama,” was a 34-year-old fruit vendor living in a one-storey concrete house at Lot 1, Best Village, with her 30-year-old reputed husband, Neblett, a fisherman. The couple had shared a common-law relationship for the past five years.

According to initial investigations, the suspect returned home intoxicated on the night of the incident. An argument ensued when Khatoon suggested that Neblett reduce his alcohol consumption.
The confrontation escalated, leading Neblett to arm himself with a knife and stab Khatoon in the throat.

Khatoon’s 12-year-old son, who was awoken by his mother’s screams, raised the alarm. Family members rushed her to the nearby West Demerara Regional Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.
The police later recovered a kitchen knife from the scene, and a stab wound was visible on Khatoon’s throat. Her body has been taken to Ezekiel Funeral Home, where a post-mortem examination will be conducted.
The tragic incident has highlighted issues of domestic violence and alcohol abuse within the community. The police continue their investigation into the murder, while the community mourns the loss of a mother and vendor known affectionately as “Mama.”


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