THE production of oil in Guyana has highlighted the country’s lack of human resources in the ‘tech-voc’ area.
It was realised from early on that remedying this would require a determined and well-thought-out response that would push young people in the direction of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
Since taking office in August 2020, the PPP/C government has invested billions of dollars into offering such training and other educational opportunities as it seeks to remedy the existing labour shortage. The response has been overwhelming.
Among the significant steps undertaken by the government thus far are: The award of 21,442 scholarships through the Guyana Online Academy of Learning (GOAL), a figure which has already surpassed the initial target of 20,000 scholarships within five years; 11,275 individuals from Regions One through Ten have completed 549 training projects offered by the Labour Ministry’s Board of Industrial Training (BIT); the provision of on-the-job training through apprenticeship programmes, which has benefitted over 200 individuals; the enhancement of skills training through special initiatives in collaboration with private sector bodies and other entities; and the operationalisation of the first phase of the Guyana Technical Training College (GTTC) at Port Mourant, Region Six, an initiative supported by private sector investment, and which has already seen its first cohort of 25 students begin specialised training in mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation fields, to prepare them for the oil-and-gas industry within six months.
Strenuous efforts are being made by the government to fill the existing gaps in the job market, and equipping every citizen with the skills and educational resources they need to contribute positively to the growth and development of Guyana.
This fact is confirmed when one tabulates the amount of money that the government has spent, and is spending, to educate its citizens.
In early 2022, some $3.3 billion was dedicated to the expansion and strengthening of the TVET programmes, particularly those being offered at the post-secondary level. Billions more were spent in 2023, and 2024 will see the spending of even more on skills training and other educational programmes.
Like the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Education has also been placing a lot of emphasis on TVET education over the years. There is a great push for every student to leave school with a pass grade in at least one TVET subject.
Just recently, it was announced that the New Amsterdam Secondary School in Region Six was recognised by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) as an ideal institution for Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) in the country.
This means that out of nine schools evaluated across the country, it has demonstrated an exceptional state of readiness, meticulous preparation, and robust arrangements in the domain of technical education. The school’s students are now exposed to data operations, metal work engineering, commercial food preparation, crop production, furniture making, and general office administration.
The government is laying the groundwork for a prosperous future for all. In so doing, it will no doubt continue to prioritise TVET alongside traditional academic training to fix the current labour shortage, and move the country forward.