PNC and AFC: Post-congress degeneracy

GENERAL elections are slated for November 2025; that is around the corner. The PPP will win. One factor that will come in to play in the election giving the PPP the edge with voters is the post-congress degeneracy that the nation will see without anyone having to show Guyanese it for themselves.
The biggest nightmare for a contestant near to a general election is a nasty revelation. It will fade long before an election is called, but if it is plastered on the face of the nation just before voters have to make their choice, then the incumbent gets an automatic advantage.
What this post-congress degeneracy is about? I believe both congresses of the PNC and AFC will not see legitimate physiology. Roysdale Forde has already complained about alleged wrong-doing in the nomination process. The large amount of nominations for Norton just does not seem real.
Mr. Norton has faced the worst credibility crisis of any leader in the history of all major political parties. From Independence, the major parties have been the PPP, PNC, United Force, Working People’s Alliance and Alliance For Change.
At no time in its functionalism have any of those parties faced the diminishing credibility of its leader as Norton has today. At no time has any PNC leader confronted so many detractors inside the party as Norton is facing today.

Against this background, it is hard to believe that some of the most credible and competent challengers to Norton could have garnered such a low amount of nominations and Norton such a vast number. The gap is too wide to believe that was a fair process.
Over at the AFC, the story is the same: accusations of tampering with the nomination process. In political parties, incumbents in the hierarchy should not and cannot have any relationship with the administration of the congress. It strikes at the heart of impropriety. If you are running for leadership, stay away from anything to do with the election. If you are involved then why should the public trust you with national elections?

Some of the stories I am hearing about the selection of delegates for both congresses — PNC and AFC – leave me with no doubt that the voting will not be free and fair, and the PNC will be at a colossal disadvantage when November 2025 comes around.
Simply put, the electorate will not trust the PNC and the AFC to be in government in 2025 because they will believe that rigging is in their DNA and Guyana will no longer have free and fair elections. The AFC is dead anyway. The final nail will be its rigged congressional vote later this month.
The PPP should make it a campaign issue and it will reverberate with the nation. If the PNC tampers with its own internal election this month end, then the PPP and new parties that will emerge in 2025 will have an easy time wining votes because the double whammy will be appealing to voters. First, the PNC tried to rig the 2020 poll. Secondly, it rigged its own internal election in 2024. That is a double whammy. How with that record, the PNC hopes to attract voters?

What those who have endured with the PNC have to know is that after June 2024, if the elected leaders came to office in their party elections through improper procedures, then the PNC will be facing its worst crisis since its birth. That crisis is disintegration.
The PNC cannot survive as a major party if credible and famous names are denied their opportunity to become the leader of their party. Those personalities are going to feel debased and humiliated. They must ask themselves the seminal question – why am I in a party that based on my character and my service to party and nation, I cannot lead my party because there is a cabal that manipulates the congressional election and has seized power.

There are such elements in the thought pattern of Amanza Walter Desir, one of the contestants and a woman that I believe, if the election is free and fair, stand a chance of winning if Mr. Forde and Dr. Gary Best withdraw. If Mrs. Desir withdraws, then I believe Forde can beat Norton. Mr. Norton cannot win against these two candidates.

I refer to Mrs. Desir’s thought pattern because it is clear to see based on what she wrote on her Facebook page. Here are her words about the congressional campaign: “How can we lead a nation if we cannot lead ourselves.”
If the PNC rigs the congressional votes and Mrs. Desir, Forde and Best think the process was not legitimate, then the words quoted above will haunt the PNC as the self-destruction process sets long before November 2025

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