Norton maintains he holds Chairmanship of APNU
Leader of the PNC/R, Aubrey Norton
Leader of the PNC/R, Aubrey Norton

–unsure whether coalition united

DIVISION within the Opposition camp has left members drifting in the wind, as there is a stand-off over whether the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) remains the Chairman of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).
While the Leader of the Guyana Action Party (GAP), Vincent Henry, who was elected the new Chairman of the APNU, said that his position is valid, the PNC/R has deemed the coalition’s elections as “null and void.”
At a recent press conference, current leader of the PNC/R, Aubrey Norton was questioned about the recent events and stated that his party is united. However, he could not echo the same sentiments for the coalition.

He said: “I think we have a united party, but there’s a difference between a party and a coalition. A coalition is a combination of parties and they will always have different interests and like I said to those persons, I continue to be chairman of the APNU.”
Further, Norton said that any underlying issues will be discussed after his party’s congress, which will be held at the end of this month.
Earlier this month, the APNU went ahead and elected new leadership in the absence of its partner, the PNC/R.

Leader of the GAP and elected chairman of the APNU, Vincent Henry

All of APNU’s Executive Council members were invited to its recently convened Executive Council meeting, which was the party’s first in a long time. However, the PNC/R did not show up.
The non-attendance of the PNC/R has raised eyebrows since, according to the APNU, the party was given adequate notice and even a reminder.
With the evident division continuing to rip the Opposition to shreds on the national stage, the PNC/R, this time, attempted to save face with a press release. However, this proved futile as APNU’s new leadership remain firm in their new course of action.
The PNC/R, in its effort to maintain its image, had clapped back in the press release, positing that the party had not been invited.

“The PNC/R, which is the Chairman of the APNU, and who at present is Mr. Aubrey C Norton did not send out any notice for [the] APNU meeting nor elections. What purports to be an APNU election is unauthorised and null and void,” the release read.
While the PNC/R has labelled the APNU election as “null” and “void”, Henry in disagreeing has maintained that the partnership is not a one-man show.
He told the Guyana Chronicle: “Well, as far as we are concerned, there was democracy and the four leaders of the APNU except the leader of the PNC made a decision to have elections… If there [are] to be any changes, the collective will have to make a decision because we are [a] coalition and one person can’t make decisions on behalf of the coalition.”

According to him, the status quo remains the same and he shall continue as Chairman of the APNU. However, the party is open for discussions with the PNC/R regarding any disagreements.
He also said that Norton, the then Chairman, was sent an email on June 3, 2024 about the meeting and a reminder was sent on June 5, 2024, the day before the meeting.


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