Short-sightedness and counter productiveness

Dear Editor,
I AM writing in response to a recent Facebook post authored by Denis Scott Chabrol regarding the commissioning ceremony of the Guyana Defence Force’s new Coast Guard vessel. While I appreciate his dedication to highlighting important issues, I feel compelled to address a broader perspective that seems to have been overshadowed.
In his post, the focus was placed on the presence of individuals with controversial pasts at the event, including a Guyanese businessman sanctioned by the United States and another individual previously convicted of selling visas. While these issues are undeniably significant, concentrating solely on them detracts from the larger and more critical narrative: the strategic enhancement of Guyana’s maritime security.
The commissioning of the new Coast Guard vessel marks a significant milestone in Guyana’s ongoing efforts to protect its waters and enhance national security. This asset represents a substantial investment in safeguarding our nation’s maritime borders, countering illegal activities and ensuring the safety of our coastal communities. The presence of President Irfaan Ali, Cabinet members, top law-enforcement officers, and the US Ambassador underscores the importance of this achievement and the collaborative efforts between Guyana and international partners.
It is crucial to acknowledge that the event was not just about individuals attending, but about the broader implications for national security and regional stability. By focusing primarily on controversial figures, we risk undermining the significance of acquiring and commissioning such vital assets for our nation’s defence. This approach can inadvertently lead to a counterproductive narrative that overshadows the positive strides being made in strengthening our maritime capabilities.
We must strive to look at the bigger picture and recognise the advancements and investments being made to protect our country. The acquisition of this Coast Guard vessel is a testament to Guyana’s commitment to securing its maritime domain and fostering a safer environment for all its citizens. It also reflects the strengthening of international partnerships, particularly with the United States, in addressing mutual security concerns.
While it is essential to hold individuals accountable and ensure transparency, it is equally important to celebrate and support initiatives that contribute to our nation’s growth and security. Let us not lose sight of the progress being made by focusing disproportionately on the negatives.
I hope this perspective resonates with you and encourages a more balanced view of the recent commissioning ceremony. By emphasising the strategic importance of such assets, we can foster a more constructive dialogue that supports our nation’s long-term goals and aspirations.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Name Withheld

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