Illegal maritime activities: Minister Benn inspects confiscated semi-submersible vessel
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, conducted an inspection of a semi-submersible vessel recently seized during a joint operation in the North West District.
Minister of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, conducted an inspection of a semi-submersible vessel recently seized during a joint operation in the North West District.

MINISTER of Home Affairs, Robeson Benn, conducted an inspection of a semi-submersible vessel recently seized during a joint operation in the North West District.
The visit took place at the Ruimveldt Wharf on Wednesday. Minister Benn was accompanied by Senior Superintendent, Ewart Wray, Inspector Garfield Anthony and Sergeant Mc Donald.

The semi-submersible vessel, suspected of being involved in narcotics trafficking, was transported to Georgetown under the vigilant supervision of Inspector Felix, utilising a tug and barge for secure transport. Minister Benn emphasised the significance of the seizure, stating:-
“This seizure represents a significant blow against illegal maritime activities in our territorial waters. Our joint security forces remain vigilant and will continue to crack down on any attempts to engage in nefarious operations that threaten our national security.”

The semi-submersible vessel recently seized during a joint operation in the North West District

The vessel was initially discovered on April 20, 2024, during a joint operation in the Panaima Creek area off the Port Kaituma River. Authorities found the semi-submersible camouflaged with troolie leaves, underscoring the sophisticated methods employed by those engaged in illegal activities.
In addition to the semi-submersible, a go-fast vessel was also seized during a separate joint police operation, leading to the arrest of four individuals, including one Colombian national. Investigations into both seizures are currently progressing.
The Ministry of Home Affairs reaffirmed its commitment to safeguarding the nation’s borders and territorial integrity. The ministry is employing robust measures to combat illicit activities that undermine the rule of law and public safety. This latest seizure is a testament to the effective collaboration and vigilance of Guyana’s security forces in maintaining national security.


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