STARR Computer hosts inspirational field trip for Charlestown Secondary graduating class
President of STARR Computer, Mike Mohan, an alumnus of Charlestown Secondary School, spoke to students of his inspiring journey from humble beginnings in Albouystown to becoming a prominent figure in the tech industry
President of STARR Computer, Mike Mohan, an alumnus of Charlestown Secondary School, spoke to students of his inspiring journey from humble beginnings in Albouystown to becoming a prominent figure in the tech industry

OVER 40 graduating students from Charlestown Secondary School were treated to an immersive educational experience recently during their field trip to STARR Computer’s Brickdam, Georgetown office.

The visit allowed students to explore various facets of STARR Computer’s operations, beginning with the Samsung Experience Centre and extending through the company’s Hybrid Call Centre, Standard IT Department, and POS/Mobility sections.

They also delved into the Telecommunication department, marvelled at Smart Home appliances, and witnessed a special presentation at the Innovation Centre.

President of STARR Computer, Mike Mohan, who himself is an alumnus of Charlestown Secondary School, shared his inspiring journey from humble beginnings in Albouystown to becoming a prominent figure in the tech industry.

Reflecting on his own path, Mohan stated, “Born in Albouystown and once a student with no clear career vision, I firmly believed that ‘Success is a choice.’ Always strive to be the best in whatever you do and leave the rest to faith.”

Mohan recounted his bold transition from a secure career as a Financial Analyst at Citibank to establishing STARR Computer in Guyana three decades ago. His story underscored the importance of determination and faith in achieving success.

During the field trip, the students were introduced to several emerging technologies that promise to reshape the future.

Mohan highlighted innovations such as Artificial Wombs, which involve “editing” human cells to eliminate health challenges, and 3D Printing of body parts, which holds the potential to revolutionise medical treatments.

He also discussed Lab-Grown Meat as a sustainable alternative to traditional animal farming, emphasising its potential to eliminate the need for slaughtering chickens, beef, pork, and seafood.

Another highlight was the future of data storage, with Glass Data Storage technology offering over 300 times the capacity of current SSDs and the durability to last over 10,000 years. He pointed out that silica, a key component of this technology, is abundantly available in Guyana.

Furthermore, the students learned about the concept of Smart Cities, which integrate technologies such as smart homes, humanoid robots, autonomous vehicles, 3D Printing, drones, and 5G connectivity to create more efficient and livable urban spaces.

STARR Computer’s commitment to education extends beyond field trips. The company regularly provides free seminars to students of all grades and other groups, emphasising the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

“Our featured content during the visit illustrated why education is an ongoing process,” said Mohan. “We focused on emerging technologies that will redirect our career paths and shape our future.”

The field trip not only provided the students with a glimpse into the future of technology, but also inspired them to pursue their dreams with determination and faith.

Mohan’s personal story and the innovative technologies showcased at STARR Computer highlighted the endless possibilities that lie ahead for these young minds.

As STARR Computer continues to lead the way in technological innovation and education, the company’s efforts ensure that the next generation is well equipped to navigate and shape the future.


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