Brazil should mirror Guyana’s speed of ‘oil exploration’

–country’s Mines and Energy Minister, Silveira says

THE Minister of Mines and Energy (MME) Alexandre Silveira told CNN after his participation in CNN Talks, this Monday, that Brazil should mirror the speed with which Guyana began its exploration in the Equatorial Margin.

Silveira was asked about a statement, on May 27, in which he said that Guyana would be “sucking the riches of Brazil through a straw” by exploring the region.
“What I wanted to say is that Guyana has advanced very quickly in this geological region, which it shares with Brazil. This unequivocally demonstrates that Guyana has merit in attracting so much investment in these areas,” he said.

“We even need to reflect on the speed at which Guyana attracted so many investments”, he added.
When exemplifying opportunities that Brazil has been missing by not exploring the region, the minister said that the American oil company ExxonMobil closed its geology department in Brazil to invest in the neighboring country.

“What I have been fighting for is so that Brazil can, respecting environmental legislation, advance in the exploration of the Equatorial Margin”, he concluded.
Brazil has the authority to lead the energy transition, Helder Barbalho said. Discussing energy transition is discussing the future, Cemig CEO told CNN.\
“We will seek sustainable development “without exaggeration”,” Silveira said
At the opening of CNN Talks, Silveira said that the Lula government wants to seek sustainable development “without exaggeration”.
There is division between technicians in the energy and environmental sectors over whether or not to drill in the Equatorial Margin.
“CNN Talks – Next Steps for Energy Transition and Transformation in Brazil” brings together government authorities, businesspeople and experts in debate on issues related to a topic in which Brazil occupies an absolute prominent position on the global stage.

As a protagonist in the energy transition scenario, the country is in a relevant position in global geopolitics in favour of more profitable and sustainable energy.
However, there is much to be discussed in relation to strategies, challenges and opportunities, such as, for example, positive points, investments, necessary efforts and competitiveness challenges in the sector.

Mediated and led by journalists Márcio Gomes and Fernando Nakagawa, the CNN Talks brand meeting features an invited audience of businesspeople and players in the segment, gathered at Espaço JK, in São Paulo.


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