PNC/R proceeds with overdue congress, no financial accountability discussed
Leader of the PNC/R, Aubrey Norton
Leader of the PNC/R, Aubrey Norton

THE People’s National Congress/ Reform (PNC/R) is experiencing internal disintegration as the party’s leadership persistently disregards concerns regarding financial accountability.
In a letter to the editor, Egland Gomes highlighted how the party is in “disarray” and noted that ever since the PNC/R incumbent leader Aubrey Norton acceded to office, Congress Place has become “hostile” to the wider membership.

“There has been no financial accountability for the party’s financial resources, the central executive team has failed to provide comprehensive oversight and accountability for the party, with no accountability or responsibility for the multiple violations of the party’s constitution. Some very egregious acts, like the now notorious blank cheques scandal, which saw the resignation of the party treasurer. No auditor was ever appointed as mandated by the party’s constitution,” the letter read.

Also, according to former PNC/R Treasurer Faaiz Mursaline, in a previous interview with this publication, from the time he assumed the position of elected treasurer, he was made to sign blank cheques with no supporting documents. In November 2022, he signed as many as 20 blank cheques.

Further, it was said that three party general councils were held over a period of two years and the central executive committee meetings were occasionally convened without informed executive authority to make decisions on the party.

Gomes further stated that following the surge in support from party members in North America and Guyana, a date was promptly announced for the Biennial Congress, without taking into account the financial implications of organising and convening the event.
Gomes later said: “Aubrey Norton presents a clear and present existential threat to the People’s National Congress Reform party’s existence or survival now.”

He then said that without an independent audit and report, the Biennial Congress elections will not be credible and presents a “dark future” for the party’s democracy.
“No financial accountability for more than two years! No treasurer, a quite possibly compromised membership CPU without an independent audit or oversight now.

Please join the call to hold the PNCR party leader accountable and elect new, credible leadership who will represent our constituents now,” Gomes firmly stated.

In order to provide context, it is important to note that the PNC/R made an announcement last month regarding the commencement of an external technical audit on a CPU that disappeared from the party’s membership division. The measure was implemented as a response to concerns expressed by party supporters and members regarding the equitable nature of the forthcoming internal party elections.


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