Jury frees man charged in shooting death of Lindener
Freed: Leon Estwick called ‘Swipey’
Freed: Leon Estwick called ‘Swipey’

AFTER spending four years on remand for the capital offence of murder, Leon Estwick also called ‘Swipey’, was set free by a 12-member jury last week at the Demerara Criminal Assizes.

When his case was called before Judge Sandil Kissoon, the 27-year-old of Linden resident professed his innocence, pleading not guilty to the charge of murdering Ian Williams also known as ‘Ojay’.

After deliberating for close to two hours, the jury returned a unanimous not-guilty verdict.

In light of the jury’s finding, the trial Judge informed the man that he was free to go.

Although he was discharged for the capital offence, Estwick was taken back to prison to continue serving his sentences for possession of an unlicensed gun and ammunition, and trafficking marijuana, which were imposed in 2020. That gun was reportedly used to riddle Williams, 24, with bullets.

Dead: Ian Williams

The prosecution was represented by State Counsel Caressa Henry, and State Counsel, Padma Dubraj. Estwick was represented by Attorneys-at-Law, Ronald Bostwick and Kevin Morgan.

Estwick’s lawyers related that the prosecution relied heavily on the testimony of Williams’ girlfriend Melita Antigua, who testified to seeing Estwick shooting at the vehicle she and Williams occupied in the vicinity of Lover’s Lane, Amelia’s Ward, Linden.

The police had reported that Estwick confessed to the murder. “They reported that Estwick told them under caution that ex-policeman, Teon Allen and Williams, who were cousins, acted with their gang to torment and set fire to the home of the in-laws of Estwick’s brother while Estwick’s sister-in-law slept in the said house,” the lawyers said in a statement.

They added: “Estwick denied ever giving the statement to the police, and raised an alibi defence. In support of his alibi, Estwick called his brother to give evidence of their presence at a party attended by other residents of Linden on the night of Williams’ murder. Estwick said that his only crime was being found with the murder weapon which he admitted was a pawned weapon that was given to him for safe keeping when the police arrested him weeks after the murder.”

Allen called ‘Spoil Child’, is a former policeman from Linden.

He was previously charged with his girlfriend’s murder, possession of an unlicensed gun and ammunition, harbouring prison escapees and two counts of attempted murder.

On Saturday, September 28, 2019, motor car PWW 8986 approached motor car PYY 732, which was being driven by Williams. Bullets were discharged causing Williams to flee.

Williams’s girlfriend, who was also seated in the car with him, was shot to her back and leg.

On the day in question, Williams went to pick up the woman from a birthday party at Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden.

Justice Sandil Kissoon

After entering the car, Antigua had a brief conversation with her boyfriend which lasted for approximately two minutes, when she suddenly heard three gunshots. She recognised two men dressed in dark hoodies shooting at the car. Williams, despite already being shot, drove off in the direction of North Amelia’s Ward.

The gunmen returned to their car and started a high-speed chase between Third to First Corners, Lovers Lane, Amelia’s Ward, then onto the Amelia’s Ward Highway. When the car became immobile, since the tires were down, Williams and Antigua attempted to escape on foot on the Amelia’s Ward Highway. The gunmen then took the opportunity to riddle him with bullets. They then abandoned their car and escaped on foot.

The shooting incident is believed to have sprung from a gang feud between Allen and a gang out of Cayenne, French Guiana. Williams and Allen shared a close relationship and it is believed that the gunmen thought Allen was in the car or they targetted his close cousin as an act of revenge.
Previously, Martin Fraser of Amelia’s Ward was charged with the murder of Williams and attempted murder of Antigua. This publication is unaware of the legal status of that case.



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