Petty, racist politics as Guyana turns 58

THE government successfully staged its flag-raising ceremony Saturday evening which had all of the splendour, pomp and ceremony that Guyanese have come to expect over the years.
It was well attended and Lindeners showcased Guyana’s growth and development through several cultural performances before the 58th independence flag-raising.

Of course, President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali delivered inspiring and futuristic plans for Guyana, particularly Region 10, as he sought to broker unity, oneness, and togetherness countrywide. Also, President Ali and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic government stood by their decision to move the yearly ceremony to different parts of the country, in keeping with the ‘One Guyana’ agenda, and to promote ethnic harmony.

After all, since it was announced that the independence anniversary event would be in Linden, the opposition party the People’s National Congress Reform and its regional officials had been spreading lies and false narratives about Ali’s government and the PPP. They have shamelessly engaged in petty and puerile politics aimed at dividing the people of our country, particularly Linden, along racist lines.

Unfortunately, but understandably, the Regional Chairman Deron Adams and Linden Mayor Sharma Solomon joined the other known PNC foot soldiers trying to get the base to not only not attend Saturday’s ceremony, but also to show the government their backsides. They wanted to show the President and the PPP that they were in power in Region 10, and that the people of Region 10 belonged to them. So, the PNCR’s PR machinery went into overdrive printing a set of flyers, leaflets, and putting people on the airwaves, spreading lies and misinformation about what was happening on the ground in Linden.

They seemed, as PPP General Secretary Bharrat Jagdeo stated, to be pretending that the government was disrespecting Linden by not allowing its leaders to attend the festivities or not involving them in the planning or execution of the day’s event. Anyone who had any objectivity and uprightness would conclude after checking the facts that it was all a pile of rubbish and fiction to keep their base intact. It was all a sham and a very pretentious performance by the Regional Chairman, the PNC Mayor and the PNC. Spineless and vindictive.

Firstly, Guyanese must know the facts about some of the small-minded politicians and PNC leaders at Linden. They curse out the government every day about neglecting Linden and Region 10, then turn around and try to sabotage projects and initiatives that the government rolls out for Region 10. Once they are not in central government, Linden and Region 10 must be made to feel they are discriminated against because of their political choice.

They must be isolated and feel neglected when the PNC and Regional Pharaohs know the truth, but are trying hard to hide it from coming to the light.
They do not want Lindeners to know or feel the wave that is gripping the country. For the first time, Lindeners and residents of Region 10 see that this government is trying to ensure that they are involved, seen and consulted.

The government is bringing development to the mining town through deliberate and calculated efforts to harmonise the country and make its citizens feel the progress of development. The face of Linden is changing to reflect its rich history and culture. It is not being left behind because of the politics of racism and discrimination.

The government is oftentimes trying to defend itself against the racism and discrimination allegations which are made by these very same PNC officials who did nothing for Region 10, and its large population of Afro-Guyanese. The PNC/R seems to be guilty of doing nothing for Linden during the years 2015 to 2020, but now knows every reason why Lindeners should still be upset with this government when it has done its best and will continue to do its best for the lives of Lindeners.

Make it make sense, nah?
Secondly, the truth is, that Linden and Region 10 are getting their full share of development and growth in line with the opportunities that are given to all Guyanese. The entire situation with the increasing cost of living is gripping the entire country, not Liden and Region 10 alone, but the government is investing millions of dollars to improve the same.

Lindeners have seen double times in investments and jobs since 2020. More men and women are working in Linden and around Region 10 since the government reopened the call centre, a functioning BIT programme, improved working relations with bauxite companies and other mining companies in Region 10 and started working on the Linden/Mabura Road construction.

Several initiatives aimed at the tourism sector, education, and Health Sector are currently being rolled out for the regions, inclusive of small business grants, an expanded nursing programme, and a school cash grant which goes to the education of schoolchildren.
Additionally, the government aims at creating a whopping 1,400 house lots at Linden in the Mackenzie and Wismar areas, with over 115 Lindeners inking agreements of sale and 28 collecting cement-and-steel vouchers.

That is not all: construction of the Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge is set to begin in August at a whopping cost of US$35 million for the four-lane bridge. The Ministry of Public Works is also planning to invest a substantial sum of $1.3 billion to transform the community’s infrastructural network of the mining town of Linden.

In sports, the government is also investing huge sums to finish the sports facility at Mackenzie, Linden after Christopher Jones and the whole PNC cabal had promised its completion in 2018 and 2019 during their terms in office. The government finished building the facility with added, FIFA compliance lighting so the athletes in Linden and Region 10 could now play international football, train and play sports.

Additionally, over $500 million has gone towards building stands and other sport facilities. And, don’t let’s talk about power and energy consumption, because Linden and parts of Region 10 get special treatment compared to the rest of the country, with the government having to stand a $5B in electricity subsidies.

Where is the light on these developments done by the PPP/C government?
Where is the discrimination? Where is the neglect? Where is the Racism that Soloman, Adams and Aubrey Norton are speaking about with water in their mouths?
Thirdly, this victimhood mentality of these politicians must stop if Guyana is to progress at 58.

This foolishness and sour-faced approach to development in Linden and Region 10 must stop. Adams, Solomon and the PNC would do the people of the region good if they stopped playing cheap politics with their lives and livelihoods.
They must become a more serious partner of development in the region and not a wall for development, creating hurdles and impediments that the government will always have to cross over to reach the people.

They are big-time politicians with small minds and no future in politics. The PNC’s big-wig politicians cannot hold the entire region hostage as people are slowly deciphering the truth about the government and the opposition’s lie to keep them from changing alliances and sides.

Finally, as Guyana celebrates its independence, we must take pride in being Guyanese, first, as we work to cultivate an atmosphere of love, unity and togetherness. Guyana does not belong to one group of people more than another. It is our home and we must work harder to end the racism and division that have paralyzed us for so long.

The PNC will soon be a relic of the past if it does not change the petty and small-minded politicians of an era that is spent and is coming to an end.
Soon, Guyana will mark its 60th independence anniversary; let us work together on things that we can agree upon and unite us than things like the Wismar Massacre that potentially can still retard our growth and keep us in the past. The face of Linden is changing and Guyana is changing.
Happy Independence Day!



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