Stakeholders meet for sustainable landscape workshop in Region Nine
One of the scenes from the workshop in Region Nine
One of the scenes from the workshop in Region Nine

STAKEHOLDERS from diverse sectors, including regional, international, national, and non-governmental organisations, convened for a workshop aimed at fostering sustainable landscape management in Region Nine. The Regional Democratic Council- Region Nine (RDC-9) announced the event via their Facebook page, highlighting its significance in addressing pressing environmental and developmental issues.

Hosted by the RDC-9, the workshop featured sessions that reviewed the outcomes of the inaugural Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP) meeting and sector roundtables. Attendees shared experiences and were introduced to new decision-making tools designed to enhance collaboration and effectiveness in managing landscapes sustainably.

During the event, participants underscored the importance of collective action in tackling landscape management challenges. They reaffirmed their commitment to shared goals and emphasised the need for ongoing collaboration across sectors.

In his remarks, Regional Chairman of Region Nine, Bryan Allicock, commended Conservation International (Guyana) for its significant contributions to the initiative. He expressed gratitude to all stakeholders for their participation in the multi-stakeholder platform and pledged the RDC’s continued support and partnership for the success of MSP initiatives.

Participants of the workshop received updates on ongoing projects and were briefed on landscape assessment and mapping techniques crucial for informed decision-making. An interactive feedback session allowed attendees to provide input on maps drafted to support decision-making processes at the regional, community, and partnership levels.

The workshop concluded with plans for future MSP sessions, focusing on key areas such as infrastructure, tourism, social issues, agriculture, health, education, security, and the environment. These sessions aim to further strengthen collaboration and drive sustainable development initiatives across Region Nine.

The workshop on sustainable landscape management in Region Nine served as a platform for stakeholders to come together, share insights, and strategise for the future. With a commitment to collaboration and collective action, participants reaffirmed their dedication to addressing landscape challenges and advancing sustainable development in the region. As plans for future MSP sessions take shape, stakeholders remain poised to drive positive change and promote environmental stewardship in Region Nine and beyond.



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