Facts have scientific existence; truth is interpretative

TRUTHS and facts cannot meet. They will never be such a confluence. They are two different constructs that have different qualities, but the reason why they cannot interface is because science is concrete and facts reside in science.
The truths reside in the minds of people and have no bearing to reality.
We can come up with a billion truths that are wishy-washy nonsense. The truth is Israel is fighting for its existence? Is that a truth? The Palestinian historians and intellectuals would say that Israel has existence and wants to broaden that existence and the truth is Israel wants Palestinian lands to make Israel bigger. Which one is the truth?

Facts are of a different nature. The fact is Israel has soldiers in lands that the world does not recognise as belonging to Israel. That is a fact that is not subject to different interpretation because Israel itself occupies those lands, recognises that it occupies them but says it has to control them because those lands are used to attack Israel. So all and sundry agree with the fact that the lands in question do not belong to Israel, but Israel says even though they do not belong to Israel, it has to control them because such control ensures the safety of Israel.

Is it the truth that Ukraine was planning to undermine Russia’s sovereignty through secret NATO collaboration? Ukraine says that is nonsense. Russia says it is the truth. Separate from what the truth is, there is the fact that Russia invaded Ukraine. You can debate the truth of why Russia invaded. But there is the scientific fact of invasion.

Let’s apply the juxtaposition of facts and truths to Guyana. Is it the truth that the Guyana Human Rights Association (GHRA) is an independent, neutral actor in Guyanese politics? For many civil society groups and the Stabroek News it is. But government ministers say the GHRA is anti-government. This columnist holds that view too. So what is the truth?

Let’s go to facts. The attempts to rig the March 2020 election consisted of five months of conspiracies which to enumerate here would take volumes. One does not know where to start. In March, there were graphic machinations. And in April too, and in May too, and in June too and in July too. The fact is – there are no press releases or video evidence of GHRA’s denunciations for those five months. Facts have scientific life. Once in black and white, facts cannot be erased. Where are the press releases from the GHRA in black and white?

Let’s move on to fact two. Ms. Vanda Radzik-Veira penned a statement that has scientific life. It is black and white in the Stabroek News of November 13, 2022. She said that the Guyana Government must immediately cease oil production. There is another scientific fact about Ms. Radzik-Veira. She is in a video tape that has scientific life in which she refuses to give her personal position, her personal belief on the oil industry. That is a fact.

Let’s go to fact three. Is it the truth that Stabroek News is an impartial media house? Supporters would say yes. Others like this columnist and the PPP leadership would say it is shamelessly anti-government. Who is right and who is wrong. Let’s look at facts. The Guyana Chronicle and the Guyana Times do not carry anti-government columnists.

The Kaieteur News does not carry pro-government columnists. The Stabroek News does not feature pro-government columnists. “In The Diaspora” has not carried one article in its entire existence that presents a case for the government being a democratic administration.

Why then in some sections of this country, an analysis that is in favour of democratic governance is neatly juxtaposed against neutral commentary when the facts do not support such neutrality? Facts cannot be wished away because they have permanent scientific life. And the facts are there to be gathered as when a fisherman pulls in his net and looks at his catch.

The truths may be mountainous but they remain elusive about who is anti-government and who is impartial. The facts are equally mountainous. The difference is science. Here is my problem. I support Irfaan Ali as a democratic president. I have not hidden that since August 2020. I am not going to obfuscate that position of mine with fancy grammar that makes me appear as neutral.

The Stabroek News, the GHRA, Red Thread, Demerara Waves among others are anti-government and there are facts that are out there to be grasped about such a mentality. But do not deceive innocent minds with labyrinthine words to appear neutral. There is nothing wrong in being anti-government and pro-government. But the anti-government folks see pro-government people as inferior thinkers.

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Guyana National Newspapers Limited.

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