Dear Editor,
GONE are the days when agriculture in Guyana struggled. Under the PNC, struggling was a word often heard and echoed amongst our people. I bring attention to the APNU+AFC’s 2015 manifesto. I would like to say it is timely, considering the opposition is hot on the path of making empty promises and creating mischief to discredit the work of the PPP/C, all for the 2025 General and Regional Elections.
Make no mistake, they will try their utmost, but I want the people to remember that promises were made in their manifesto in 2015, many of which lacked substance. It is tragic that they dedicated an entire section to sugar and how they planned to develop it once they were in government, but quickly resorted to shutting the estates down and sending thousands into unemployment and poverty.
One of their “action plan”[sic] was to “enhance the quality of sugar workers within their communities through better facilities, sports and social amenities.” I kid you not, that was an actual, proposed plan. Can the sugar workers highlight if such was done for them under the APNU+AFC administration?
I do hope that when these workers choose to protest/strike they also remember that they were fired under the previous government, they hadn’t a job, they could not earn, they could not support their families, their children were forced to stay home from school because they could not afford to send them, they could not afford to eat three square meals a day, it was a struggle.
I am not saying persons do not have a right to go out there and demand better when it comes to their livelihoods, but we must never forget the atrocities of the APNU+AFC government that forced thousands of Guyanese into “punishment.” It is timely to remind the public of the nonsense that was done under the failed coalition regime.
I can and will never forget because I saw the tears, I heard the painful stories of families struggling to survive and that alone is enough for me to make a decision of never lending support to APNU+AFC. Agriculture suffered tremendously, but we are making strides thanks to Minister Zulfikar Mustapha.
Nigel King