$25M water supply system commissioned in Region One
Minister of Housing Collin Croal drinking from the $25M water supply system in Kamwatta, Region One, over the weekend
Minister of Housing Collin Croal drinking from the $25M water supply system in Kamwatta, Region One, over the weekend

– over 900 Kamwatta residents benefit from potable water

IN a continued effort to provide clean and accessible water to all regions of Guyana, Minister of Housing, Collin Croal, unveiled a new $25 million water supply system in Region One over the weekend.
Speaking passionately about the government’s dedication to improving the lives of Guyanese citizens, Minister Croal emphasised the administration’s commitment to enhancing every aspect of livelihood across the nation.

“Our goal is to ensure that every Guyanese sees an improvement in their quality of life,” he stated.
According to him, “I am so happy to relate that I have commissioned a brand-new water system at Kamwatta over the weekend at a cost of $25 million. The best part of this initiative is that over 900 hinterland residents are impacted in the best way. I also want to let the residents who are living some distance away from the system know that they should not be worried because pipes will be set up to provide water to them as well.”

Minister Croal added, “As a government, we are not just working to develop one sector; we are determined to ensure that the lives of every Guyanese are better than they were when we took office over three years ago. President Ali’s message of One Guyana and making sure that the people are the centre of the country’s development is what we have maintained, and nothing would not change that; we are committed to the people.”

Minister Croal, regional officials, and residents of Kamwatta at the $25M well commissioning ceremony

The housing minister also recognised that although individuals are dissatisfied with the water quality in certain areas, the Guyana government is actively working on implementing water treatment facilities nationwide, along with other measures, to address the problem.

He also highlighted that in just over three years of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) taking office, the administration had drilled more than 80 wells, both on the coastland and in the hinterland.
“I wish to also say that while these investments are massive, they are not the only plans we have for the hinterlands.

There are several infrastructural projects that we are currently working on, which the people of the respective communities would be directly involved in. Whether it is the building of roads, construction, or agriculture, our aim is to get Guyanese involved so that they can be a part of the enhancement and development process, and at the same time they will be earning,” Minister Croal said.

Furthermore, the Minister clarified that the shortage this year was not a concern. He believes that despite the government’s increased investment in wells, it is insufficient because of the extensive development taking place in the country. Minister Croal emphasised that their commitment is to ensure universal access to clean, drinkable water by 2025.

“According to our mandate, by the end of next year, we will be able to provide a minimum of 90 percent access to treated water on the coast. Now more than ever, we are seeing the prolonged effect of the dry season, especially in the hinterland,” he added.
Minister Croal took the chance to urge citizens, particularly adults, to teach the younger generation about the significance of water and conserving it.

According to him, “We are fortunate that we are living in a country where we have access to water, even though it may not fully be of the quality that we want. In many countries in the world, we have people and children who are sick and dying because of a lack of water. It is my hope that we, as Guyanese, do not take our blessings for granted.”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Housing said in a Facebook post, “The drilling of the well was done by D&R Construction for $15 million. Some $7 million was expended towards the installation and distribution network of 4 kilometres of pipes and the photovoltaic pumping system, along with the construction of the well fence, which was undertaken by GWI in collaboration with the village council.”


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