THE Director of Operations at the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), Dr. Nicole Manning and team commenced the standardisation process for marking of the National Grade Six Assessment 2024 scripts.
According to a press release from the Ministry of Education, this follows other processes such as batching which started last week.
The standardisation process that is led by Dr. Manning, along with Chiefs, Assistant Chiefs and Examiners (Table Leaders) and markers is a thorough part of the marking process.
During the standardisation process, the examiners will be marking sample scripts and discussing to ensure all plausible responses are included in the mark scheme in order to guarantee that each child is given the best possible opportunity to be marked fairly and accurately.
Dr. Manning stressed on the importance of standardisation as this process eliminates any possible subjectivity and other hazards and gives reassurance that all markers are marking at the same level. The marking process continues next week.