A vigil at 18:30 hours for mothers killed in Gaza

TOMORROW is Mother’s Day and this evening, at 18:30 hours, the First Lady of Guyana will address a vigil on the seawall at the esplanade by the Bandstand called to show respect for the thousands of dead mothers who have been killed by the Israeli air-force after six months of non-stop, indiscriminate bombings.

The genocide in Gaza has riveted my psyche because I taught philosophy classes at UG for 26 consecutive years in which the Holocaust was always on the reading list. The class was shown the movie on the Holocaust, Schindler’s List, each year. I taught the Holocaust and slavery to examine the line-faults of Homo sapiens based on the writings of genetic biologist, E.O. Wilson and the writer, Arthur Koestler.

No one in this world who taught philosophy and lectured on the genocide against the Jews in Nazi Germany could ever imagine that a Jewish government and a Jewish army would commit genocide of their own against a helpless ethnic group. The last people you think would commit genocide would be people of Jewish blood. But it has happened and it leaves the mind of the philosophy teacher numb as hell.

The similarities in the German acts of genocide against the Jews and the Jewish acts of genocide against the Palestinians are striking. In one of my columns on the hate the Jews have for the Palestinian people, I referred to a scene from Schindler’s List. It is worth reproducing because it holds the answer as to why the Israelis will destroy Rafah resulting in mass murder of hundreds of thousands in the weeks to come.

The violent acts committed by the Hamas fighters when they entered Israel on October 7, last year and killed Jewish settlers was the greatest opportunity presented to the Jewish state to annihilate the Palestinian race since the Arab-Israeli war in 1967. The people of Israel have been indoctrinated at baby age that the Palestinians are inferior to Jews and should not occupy the same space as Jews.

The best example I can think of is what people have told me about the Venezuelan claim on Essequibo. I was told generation after generation was indoctrinated with the myth that Essequibo belongs to Venezuela. So, they grow up with the belief that Essequibo belongs to Venezuela. I was told that this was the mental barrier Chavez faced if he wanted to scrap the demand on Guyana. It is the same thinking with the Jews on what they believe about the Palestinians. They do not think they are fit to be living alongside Jews. Now for that scene from Schindler’s List.

The death commander of the concentration camp had a Jewish maid. One night he embraced the maid, then, in a paroxysm of rage, tossed her aside violently. It dawned on him that he would have had sex with a sub-human person. That is how the Nazis thought of Jews at the ideological level. It is the identical situation in Palestine today.

A Cabinet Minister in Israel, Amichai Eliyahu, said shortly after the bombing of Gaza started that one of the options Israel has is to drop nuclear weapons on Gaza. American senator, Tom Cotton, said that, after Israel finishes bombing Gaza, they should even bomb the rubble. New York governor, Kathy Hochul, said Israel would be justified in wiping out Gaza. Those three statements have subliminal meanings. It shows the depth of the anti-Palestinians feeling among countless Jewish people.

So, this is the first similarity –genocidal hatred for the Palestinians as the world saw in German’s genocidal dislike for Jews in the Nazi era. The second striking similarity between how the Germans killed Jews and how the Israelis are killing Palestinians is the methodology of murder. The Nazis made no distinction between men, women and children.

Nazi anti-Jewish ideologues stressed that women should be killed off first because the Jewish birthrate will decline. What the Nazis did was to keep the men for labour and kill off the women so they won’t get children. In the 35, 000 souls that the Israelis have killed in Palestine since October last, the greater percentage have been women and children.

My question is; could it be that the Israelis want a decrease in the Palestinian population thus the bestial murder of so many women?

Space will not permit further comparison between the Nazis genocidal violence against the Jews and the genocide now being committed by the Jewish state against the Palestinians. Hope to see you at the vigil this evening. Obviously, it will be the saddest Mother’s Day in this country’s history.

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