Dear Editor,
Guyana’s President, Dr Irfaan Ali, is blazing the trail with his innovative leadership style which is gaining immense popularity and progressive momentum among all Guyanese, much to the chagrin of the incompetent Opposition and its mouthpieces.
Be it in defence of our country’s territorial integrity, be it in defence of the case for reparation, be it in promoting his One Guyana Vision or be it in defence of the working class, be it in running the business of this nation, President Ali’s achievement and adoration has grown and is growing exponentially.
He has displayed a plethora of such scarce leadership qualities that the Opposition leaders have lacked, and this is because the President is honest and fully committed about what he is doing. Hypocrisy, lies and deceit are not in his repertoire.
What is wrong with the President casting aside all the pretensions which normally characterises those in high offices and exude such humility, love and affection for his people? This is what is meant by a President of the people, by the people and for the people.
This President has combined the great attributes of both Dr Cheddi Jagan and Dr Jagdeo but has added his own special flavour to the mix which makes him unbeatable.
This is not an inanimate cardboard replica like what was foisted on the supporters of the Coalition Government; this is a President who is unafraid to mingle and express his emotions for the world to behold; not afraid to dance into the hearts of the people.
I was mildly amused by a letter from Mr Roysdale Forde, a Senior Counsel and Member of Parliament and the man who in his dreams or more like fantasy, wants to be the next President, who misguidedly felt President Ali should have taken to ‘the stage to address pressing national issues or outline policies for progress’ and that it ‘risks making light of the gravity of the presidential office and diminishing its authority in the eyes of the general public and international community’.
Perhaps this aspirant to high office is blind to the fact that President Ali has provided that ‘guidance, inspiration and responsible leadership’ since he assumed Office in 2020 and has effectively carried out those ‘immense responsibilities, from protecting the integrity of national security to facilitating an environment that allows for economic development and promoting social justice and cohesion’.
Yet, Forde in his quest to denigrate President Ali, has actually highlighted and itemised some of the President’s undeniable achievements in the form of negatives. Not Forde nor any of his ilk can possibly deny these accomplishments which everyone at home and abroad are chanting gustily. Forde should be more concerned about the failures of the Coalition and the shameless rigging attempts by his party. It is time that the PNC find a new strategy to campaign for the next election-the current character assassination and corruption mantra has outlived its usefulness.
There are many activities, be it playing a game of cricket, be it cooking some delicacies, be it riding a bicycle in New York, driving a bus, be it dancing with his people and the list goes on, which the President has embarked on in his quest to communicate and relate to everyone and which has never been done before by any President.
These will never diminish his astute statesmanship but can only add to his greatness as a human being who literally walks with his people and allows them to feel as his equal. His utmost humility has made him so endearing to the masses and his presidency will continue to soar to unprecedented heights.
Unlike what the caption reads, ‘Mr Ali’s pop star turn risks making light of the gravity of presidential office’, the President has proven that despite effectively shouldering and fulfilling the responsibilities of his Office, he can still find that time to be engaged in such activities which will bring his people closer towards national unity. This is what a youthful president can offer to his country.
Not a president who has to be more involved in preserving his own health and life. President Ali is creating and fulfilling his government’s social and economic policies and at the same time ensuring that his legacy will be indelibly etched in the annals and be comparable to the world’s best leaders.
The PPP has once again shown at its mammoth and highly successful 32nd Congress that the youths of this country will be given the opportunity to govern this country and hold key offices while the Opposition’s derelicts, obsoletes and geriatrics continue to wallow in its filthy mire. The Opposition should do well to be concerned about its own damaged image both nationally and internationally rather than to all appearances seems to be fixated on the dance moves of the multi-talented President Ali.
Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf