–EPA says; urges citizens to take precautionary measures amidst ‘unhealthy air quality’
THE Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a public advisory concerning the air quality in both Regions Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) and Four (Demerara-Mahaica), and cautioned citizens to take the necessary precautionary measures.
Based on the EPA’s sensors, the air quality in Regions Three and Four is in the “unhealthy” range and this is using the World Health Organisation Standards for Good Air Quality.
According to a press release, the EPA’s sensors at Eccles and Sophia, on Wednesday, showed much higher concentrations than that recorded on March 25, 2024.
“In light of its data, the EPA encourages members of the public to take precautionary measures to protect their health by limiting the time spent outdoors and to wear dust masks as practicable,” the EPA urged.
It was then said that during the period March 19-26, a heat signature comparison revealed a substantial increase in heat signatures along the low coastal plain of Guyana. The EPA then said that visibility has been and continues to be affected by smoke from active fires in Regions Three and Four.
According to the press release, in this extended period of little or no rainfall, the conditions are more conducive to spontaneous combustion which may lead to wildfires. It is also more likely in these conditions that careless or deliberate human actions may lead to wildfires.
According to the public advisory, there is a clear indication that there is a lack of knowledge of the EPA’s role in relation to fires, especially given the rise in media stories and coverage of wildfires.
“Consequently, the EPA must inform the public, it does not have the authority, mandate nor capacity to investigate or fight wildfires,” the EPA said.
It was then said that the EPA monitors air quality and when readings are outside of the normal range will notify the public to take precautions.
The release then went on to read: “The EPA strongly supports the Fire Service, the relevant authority in its constant and effective efforts to manage wildfires and fires generally.
Further, the EPA strongly encourages all public-spirited citizens to promptly report fires and urges the general public to continue to cooperate with any other authority to ascertain the source of wildfires.
“The EPA assures the public that it remains committed to their protection through effective management of the environment to protect and conserve its natural resources.”