Guyana, China aligned in their pursuit of progress
Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan (Delano Williams)
Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan (Delano Williams)

–countries’ partnership paves way for mutual prosperity, greater connectivity, collaboration in Caribbean region, Chinese Ambassador says

WITH a shared commitment to mutual prosperity and progress, China and Guyana are forging deeper co-operation, laying the foundation for a brighter future for both nations and the wider Caribbean region.

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Guo Haiyan, during an engagement at the Chinese Embassy on Wednesday, reiterated the importance of the bond between China and Guyana, labelling Guyana as China’s “good friend and important partner.”
She highlighted the shared aspiration for modernisation, pointing out that both countries, as the world’s largest and fastest-growing developing nations respectively, are aligned in their pursuit of progress.

“China and Guyana share a common goal to realise modernisation and share common stances in many international affairs,” she said while reflecting on the shared vision between the two nations.
She reiterated China’s commitment to working alongside Guyana to strengthen the existing partnership, with a focus on building a more “close-knit” China-Guyana community with a shared future.

“China stands ready to work with Guyana to build a more close-knit China-Guyana community with a shared future, jointly safeguarding the overall interests of developing countries, and contribute to world peace, security, prosperity and progress,” Ambassador Guo said.

The ambassador reaffirmed that these promising prospects not only hold benefits for China and Guyana but also for the wider Caribbean region, as it fosters greater connectivity and collaboration.
In July 2023, President Dr Irfaan Ali’s visit to China marked a significant milestone in the friendship between Guyana and China.

During his engagement with President Xi Jinping and other dignitaries, President Ali had stressed the robust political relationship and mutual trust shared between the two nations.
Over 11 years, from US$180 million in 2012 to US$1.23 billion in 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and Guyana witnessed remarkable growth, reflecting the deepening economic ties between the two nations.

President Dr Irfaan Ali (left) and Chinese President, Xi Jinping during their meeting last year

Beyond trade, China’s contribution to Guyana’s economic and social development has been profound.
Through infrastructural projects, connectivity initiatives, and assistance in healthcare, China has played a pivotal role in advancing Guyana’s progress and that of the wider Caribbean region.

One significant example of this partnership is in healthcare. Guyana received invaluable support from China, becoming the first Caribbean nation to receive COVID-19 vaccines donated by the Chinese Government.
Additionally, the presence of the Chinese Medical Brigade since 1993 has further strengthened healthcare co-operation between the two countries.

In terms of infrastructural development, Guyana has embarked on ambitious projects with Chinese companies leading the way.
Contracts with Sinopharm International to construct six new regional hospitals signify China’s commitment to enhancing healthcare infrastructure in Guyana.

The new facilities will be built at Anna Regina, Region Two; De Kinderen, Region Three; Diamond and Enmore, Region Four; Bath, Region Five, and Skeldon, Region Six. Each of the new regional hospitals will be 65,000 square feet.
Additionally, companies like China Harbour and Engineering Corporation and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited are spearheading strategic infrastructure projects, contributing significantly to Guyana’s development.

The collaboration extends beyond healthcare and infrastructure. Chinese companies are actively engaged in various sectors, including technology, construction, renewable energy, and agriculture, reflecting the breadth and depth of the partnership.

The involvement of companies like Huawei in providing IT solutions and ventures into renewable energy projects and potential deep-water port construction highlights the diverse spectrum of co-operation between China and Guyana.

Further, the Association of Chinese Enterprises in Guyana (ACEG) has seen remarkable growth, with 21 member companies, including state-owned enterprises listed in the Fortune Global 500, and competitive private companies.
These companies are actively involved in key sectors of Guyana’s economy, further cementing the bilateral ties between the two nations.


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