Ramadan message from CIOG’S President-Al Hajj Shahabudeen Ahmad
My dear respected Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu Alaikum WA Rahmatullaahi WA Barakaatuh.
All praises are for Allah (SWT), peace and choicest blessings on our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS), the mercy to mankind. May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah (SWT) be upon you all!
On this Blessed occasion, the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan, I wish “Ramadan Mubarak” to all our dear Imams, Presidents, and Executives of all Masjids and Jamaats, and leaders of our country and all Guyanese!
As the holy month of Ramadan dawns upon us, we are reminded of the profound spiritual journey that lies ahead. It is a time of reflection, devotion, and renewal of faith, a period of fasting, self-discipline, and heightened spirituality, bringing us closer to Allah (SWT) and to the creation.
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may guard against evil and become Al-Muttaqun (righteous, pious).”[Qur’an, 2: 183]
Fasting helps us to develop self-control and foster empathy towards the less fortunate. It reminds us of the blessings we often take for granted and instills in us a sense of gratitude.
Ramadan is also a celebration of the final revelation, the Holy Qu’ran, a guide for humanity, illuminating the path of truth and providing clarity in a world of confusion. The nightly Taraweeh prayers, where we stand in worship, in awe of the Infinitely Merciful Creator, and reflect upon the verses of the Holy Qur’an, are paths to deeper understanding and connection with our Creator. “The month of Ramadan [is that] in which was revealed the Holy Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion (between right and wrong)” – [Qur’an, 2:185].
This precious month also brings the auspicious Night of Power (Layla-tul-Qadr), a night better than a thousand months of rewards, a night where the mercy and blessings of Allah (SWT) are abundant. It is a time for intense prayer, reflection, and seeking forgiveness. Allah (SWT) said in Surah Al-Imran 3:133: “And march forth in the way (which leads to) forgiveness from your Rabb (Lord), and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth prepared for Al-Muttaqun (the pious).”
What then are the qualities of the Al-Muttaqun? Allah (SWT) answers this in the next verse: “Those who spend (in Allah’s cause – charity) in prosperity and adversity, who repress anger and who pardon men; verily, Allah loves those who do good.” (Qur’an, 3:134)
Ramadan strengthens our community bonds. Sharing Iftaar, helping those in need, and spending time with family and friends not only brings us closer to each other but also to Allah (SWT). Let us become abdan-shakura (grateful servants) to Allah (SWT) and express our gratitude by being faithful, patient, and truthful. Let us express our love for Allah (SWT) by being compassionate to all His (SWT) creation.
Be kind and compassionate to all people and animals. Be caring of the environment, the trees and plants that provide us with oxygen and sustenance. Forgive those who have wronged you, spread goodness, help those in need and be a lamppost of positivity. When we put forth mercy and love, then we shall receive it back in return many times over.
The solution to every problem is Sabr (patience), knowing that everything is from Allah (SWT) and make Istigfaar (seek forgiveness), for as long as you have Allah (SWT), you have no reason to lose hope or give up. Problems that seem insurmountable are easily remedied by Allah (SWT). In Allah (SWT) lies all strength, all success, all health and wellbeing, all joy, all satisfaction, all peace, and all the beautiful qualities we would desire. The qualities of Sabr and Istigfaar are the hallmarks of the Blessed Month of Ramadan.
Let us embrace the blessings of Ramadan with open hearts. Let us renew our intentions, increase our acts of charity, and seek the mercy and forgiveness of Allah (SWT). May this Ramadan be a source of peace, guidance, and spiritual growth for you and your loved ones
May Allah (SWT) bless, guide, and protect us, and have mercy on us all. May Allah (SWT) bless and have mercy on our country and the entire world. May each and every one benefit fully from this noble and blessed guest and may it be a source of healing for us all. Kindly remember our sisters and brothers who are not as fortunate as us. Ramadan is the month in which we open our hearts and makes it easy for us all to do our part in restoring the dignity of all our sisters and brothers – our world needs everyone.
Wassalaamu Alaikum WaRahmatullahi WaBarakaatuh.
Al-Hajj Shahabudeen Ahmad
President CIOG